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Just read about the disturbing case of the 9yr old girl murdered by a Polish national in Calais, he had previous. Apparently he was on his way to Britain, unfortunately for the young girl she fired a water pistol at his car and he decide to abduct her. There was also a recent case in west London where a teenage girl was murdered by someone who had already served a sentence for murder in [nothing against them] Poland.

So I have a simple question for ***.....should foreign Nationals with these sort of criminal records be allowed entry to this country. I don't want any padded out 'fluff' just a YES or NO will do thank you
I love South Thanet. Big contingent of Labour lefties out for their big push day - around 500 signed up (100 on a standard day apparently) but in order to use that wisely people were shipped out as soon as they arrived to make the use of their time. I took a selfie with leftie poster boy Owen Jones and South Thanet's next MP Will Scobie and got bear retweets by sending it to Croydon Central's next MP Sarah Jones telling her I had a new Jones in my life,she vomited upon hearing this.

I went out to very picturesque Sandwich and leafleted with a odd couple and their teenage daughter who live in Whistable and a retired guy who lives in Sandwich. Straight forward and nice outing. The older guy took us to his house where his wife asked if we were swingers and also she had baked cake for us. At the bottom of their road is the guesthouse owned by the Gogglebox couple so I saw the very spot where Nigel Farage was invited by thousands to have a drink .

Met up with the odd couple's mates back in Ramsgate which is a nice looking harbour town and then on to a venue where Owen Jones gave a dull 'we can make this a better country' speech and gave everyone a sense of suicide together.

Mostly foreigners out but with a fair few 'down from London' types (£30 train fair though) and all odd people who want to so their bit. Very badly organised - lifts to and from the train station, home baking, well organised canvassing and leafleting routes, a beer and speeches.

Lovely place, lovely people, they just really really don't want their town associated with that brilliant Farage and the fact the Tories have put up an ex UKIP guy against Farage means that more people are seeing Labour as the way of destroying South Thanet from indignity.

Edited for accuracy.
It was 12 hours of my life and one minute of yours so I wouldn't be too down on yourself. If you want to make the journey yourself you could make up your own mind. Or you can sit on Mrs Blues sofa and keep sniping without having the energy to actually get involved. If Farage doesn't win this seat he quits as leader of the party and potentially UKIP spiral into oblivion the same way BNP did. Maybe that means more to me than it does to you.

If you check your posts you'll see you are soapboxing as much as me, but again my soapbox leaves the house.

Southend? Yes, about 10 games a season, I'm on around 60 away grounds. I tend to write lengthy reports so that would be more minutes of your life you won't get back so maybe just avoid those when they happen.

Show me a post I've written that is deemed soap boxing. I attack labour policies because I see their flaws. I attack ed Milliband because I think he would make an awful leader. I attack ed balls because he has no idea and looks like a used car salesman.

People can make up their own minds on who they want to vote without being canvassed on a football club supporters site. I have to keep a leash on your left wing twaddle.

Labour would be lucky to get into Thanet South. Polls show that 2/3 of voters are right wing and a labour councillor would probably go down like a sh*t sandwich. UKIP are splitting the right wing for this seat and is the ONLY reason Labour have a cat in hells chance of sneaking the seat. Without UKIP, Labour wouldn't even be making any effort as it would be a Tory banker.

My guess is that conservative will hold the seat and fend off any scares as some UKIP followers change their mind last minute and go for Tory.
It was stated many many times when the negotiations were going on that the broadcasters had made suggested formats and Cameron was the stumbling block. This carried on for a long time. On Question Time on Thursday it was stated again that Cameron was invited onto the debate that had been shown a couple of hours before. You do yourself a disservice to pretend not to know this - that is real head in the sand stuff.

You asked me about this before and I politely told you exactly where on the program you needed to look so you didn't have to watch the whole thing. You really do seem to be turning into a very low effort WUM if I may be frank and I politely suggest you up your game.

I think the biggest lie of the night was from your glorious leader who quite clearly stated to the country on live tv that he would not enter into coalition with SNP and the two proceeded to bicker for the next 2 minutes. I think it'll be pretty unforgivable if the election passed and the SNP end up in cabinet.
Just read about the disturbing case of the 9yr old girl murdered by a Polish national in Calais, he had previous. Apparently he was on his way to Britain, unfortunately for the young girl she fired a water pistol at his car and he decide to abduct her. There was also a recent case in west London where a teenage girl was murdered by someone who had already served a sentence for murder in [nothing against them] Poland.

So I have a simple question for ***.....should foreign Nationals with these sort of criminal records be allowed entry to this country. I don't want any padded out 'fluff' just a YES or NO will do thank you

Labour will without hesitation offer these criminals huge amounts of compensation whilst upping their benefits above middle England wages,Labour will then employ an army of social workers to be at the beck and call of those criminals whilst of course paying another army of workers to look after the social workers.Cue another note in 5 year's "no money left".
Yawn, more fluff.

so you can't actually "prove" what he was saying are lies? You just made a statement about something you have no knowledge of, because you don't want it to be true? In your words, but somewhat paraphrasing "he trotted out lie after lie". So there was only one lie and you can't really prove that he wasn't invited to that show at that time? I'm aware of the live show prenegotiations, but the fact could remain that he wasn't "invited" to that show.

I think it was clear to all and sundry that it made no sense for the incumbent to attend these debates as it basically 6 v 1 and the PM in power never comes off looking great. Look at brown 5 years ago.
If you want to believe the broadcasters didn't invite the PM onto a debate show for the party leaders then it is probably the most efficient to leave it at that.
Can you answer my question on post 841
My response to how you have posed this and then chased me up for an answer a few minutes later, and then dictated how you have decided I am going to answer it would get me a ban from the site so let's just say - address me politely or don't address me at all. I don't warm to people who have an inflated sense of entitlement.

Now if you want me to provide you with information then ask me properly or use Google like everyone else does. I'm not your own personal search engine.
Show me a post I've written that is deemed soap boxing. I attack labour policies because I see their flaws. I attack ed Milliband because I think he would make an awful leader. I attack ed balls because he has no idea and looks like a used car salesman.

People can make up their own minds on who they want to vote without being canvassed on a football club supporters site. I have to keep a leash on your left wing twaddle.

Labour would be lucky to get into Thanet South. Polls show that 2/3 of voters are right wing and a labour councillor would probably go down like a sh*t sandwich. UKIP are splitting the right wing for this seat and is the ONLY reason Labour have a cat in hells chance of sneaking the seat. Without UKIP, Labour wouldn't even be making any effort as it would be a Tory banker.

My guess is that conservative will hold the seat and fend off any scares as some UKIP followers change their mind last minute and go for Tory.
If you read this back surely you are telling me not to express a polical opinion on a football website, and then doing exactly that? That is just......quite something.
If you read this back surely you are telling me not to express a polical opinion on a football website, and then doing exactly that? That is just......quite something.

Good work with twisting my words around.

Would you not agree that the general theme is that you come on the forum banging your big fat red drum forcing me to retaliate and prove that your comments are based either on hearsay or opinion as opposed to "fact". What makes it worse is that you dress your comments up as if they are fact. Crazy!

You'll struggle to find one post from me where I am not responding to someone else (namely you), where I feel you (or whoever) has given a wholly one-sided argument and needs some equilibrium.
Good work with twisting my words around.

Would you not agree that the general theme is that you come on the forum banging your big fat red drum forcing me to retaliate and prove that your comments are based either on hearsay or opinion as opposed to "fact". What makes it worse is that you dress your comments up as if they are fact. Crazy!

You'll struggle to find one post from me where I am not responding to someone else (namely you), where I feel you (or whoever) has given a wholly one-sided argument and needs some equilibrium.

With all due respect no-one forces you to do anything. You're quite entitled to do nothing.
With all due respect no-one forces you to do anything. You're quite entitled to do nothing.

Knew it wouldn't be long before wing commander jumped into action.

I believe it's not the right thing to write opinion or hearsay and make them read as actual fact.
Knew it wouldn't be long before wing commander jumped into action.

I believe it's not the right thing to write opinion or hearsay and make them read as actual fact.

Firstly there's no need to throw insults around. Secondly, from the tone of your posts it seems to me that you're getting wound up, and feel the need to keep responding. There is no need. No-one is forcing you to do anything.

It's lunch time, the sun is shining. Maybe go out have a swift half.
Good work with twisting my words around.

Would you not agree that the general theme is that you come on the forum banging your big fat red drum forcing me to retaliate and prove that your comments are based either on hearsay or opinion as opposed to "fact". What makes it worse is that you dress your comments up as if they are fact. Crazy!

You'll struggle to find one post from me where I am not responding to someone else (namely you), where I feel you (or whoever) has given a wholly one-sided argument and needs some equilibrium.
It's not twisting your words - I highlighted your own words and pointed out you seemed to be criticising my actions and accepting your own.
Its a bit pedantic to say that expressing an opinion as a start point is bad and countering that opinion is good. If no one dares to express themselves to start with then there is no discussion at all. Death of Shrimperzone if no one starts any conversations.

And the lie your keep referring to - I already conceded that the weeks and weeks of discussions that were covered in newspapers, radio, TV about which debates Cameron would attend were a sly left wing conspiracy to discredit him and he was never actually invited to debate in the BBC after all.
Knew it wouldn't be long before wing commander jumped into action.

I believe it's not the right thing to write opinion or hearsay and make them read as actual fact.

That is one if not the funniest thing I have read on here.
My response to how you have posed this and then chased me up for an answer a few minutes later, and then dictated how you have decided I am going to answer it would get me a ban from the site so let's just say - address me politely or don't address me at all. I don't warm to people who have an inflated sense of entitlement.

Now if you want me to provide you with information then ask me properly or use Google like everyone else does. I'm not your own personal search engine.

All I asked for was a YES or NO answer. How does madam take offence to that. Stop being new labour and answer a simple question. The three women sitting in this house have all answered easily why cant you.
Can people please try to grow up here. Discuss issues, make points and disagree, but let's steer clear of the goading, winding up, personal attacks etc and leave that to the politicians.
All I asked for was a YES or NO answer. How does madam take offence to that. Stop being new labour and answer a simple question. The three women sitting in this house have all answered easily why cant you.
I can answer easily I just chose not to because of your condescending manner 'I want a yes or no answer, no fluff' which I wouldn't have bothered pointing out other than the fact you started chasing me up an hour later. I do have a job, I don't sit around waiting for you to ponder on things that are so obvious you shouldn't need to ask.

Of course I want murders to be left in jail in whatever country they commit the crime in - why would I want any other outcome for that?

The reason you are so down on left wing perspectives is that you have no understanding how they work. Basically if you take common sense and fairness as as start point you will be most of the way there to predict a left wing answer to most questions.
I can answer easily I just chose not to because of your condescending manner 'I want a yes or no answer, no fluff' which I wouldn't have bothered pointing out other than the fact you started chasing me up an hour later. I do have a job, I don't sit around waiting for you to ponder on things that are so obvious you shouldn't need to ask.

Of course I want murders to be left in jail in whatever country they commit the crime in - why would I want any other outcome for that?

The reason you are so down on left wing perspectives is that you have no understanding how they work. Basically if you take common sense and fairness as as start point you will be most of the way there to predict a left wing answer to most questions.

I chased you up because you posted on this thread at 09:31 without a reply. Maybe you forgot.

You have not answered the question.... In both cases I mentioned in post 841, the convicted had been released. So do you think someone who has been convicted of rape or child abduction and been released in their own country should be allowed into Britain.

Three potential female labour voters are waiting for your answer.

Why do you make accusations about people you no nothing about. My mother was not born in England and back in the seventies suffered racial abuse that you up on your moral left wing pedestal would have no clue about.
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