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Transfer News and Gossip Transfer Rumours Thread 2023-24 (Part 2 - Back in Business. Oh no we’re not)

Transfer news
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The sell on clause hasn't been negotiated down, Maidenhead will make £8M
No they won't Wolves told them it would break the deal if they didn't accept 10% sell on fee as opposed to 20%.

A classic case of big club bullying BS, but that's what the game has become. Still not bad business and hopefully it could be us one day if COSU obtain ownership.

"Maidenhead United to bank around £4million from Max Kilman's £40m transfer to West Ham through a sell-on clause. It was originally 20% but negotiated down to 10% or deal might have collapsed."

Nizaar Kinsella - BBC Sports journalist.
No they won't Wolves told them it would break the deal if they didn't accept 10% sell on fee as opposed to 20%.

A classic case of big club bullying BS, but that's what the game has become. Still not bad business and hopefully it could be us one day if COSU obtain ownership.

"Maidenhead United to bank around £4million from Max Kilman's £40m transfer to West Ham through a sell-on clause. It was originally 20% but negotiated down to 10% or deal might have collapsed."

Nizaar Kinsella - BBC Sports journalist.
Imagine a guaranteed £4m being injected into your club, must feel like an adrenaline shot. Obviously, like any transaction, the full amount doesn't go straight to any club. That £40m will be paid in installments, as will the £4m to Maidenhead. In some ways that's better though. Smaller clubs struggle with consistent revenue but with this, you have a guaranteed, consistent revenue stream coming in over a period of time. Well done to them. This is how the football pyramid should work.
Just think the amount of football clubs being sold for £1 that you could purchase?!

It's great news for Maidenhead, fair play to them. They've lost some of their big players so will be interesting to see how Devonshire replaces them.

I wonder if we will benefit from any sell ons in the near future? That being said, it wouldn't surprise me if sell on fees had been bought out by clubs knowing the years of turmoil we have been in.
Imagine a guaranteed £4m being injected into your club, must feel like an adrenaline shot. Obviously, like any transaction, the full amount doesn't go straight to any club. That £40m will be paid in installments, as will the £4m to Maidenhead. In some ways that's better though. Smaller clubs struggle with consistent revenue but with this, you have a guaranteed, consistent revenue stream coming in over a period of time. Well done to them. This is how the football pyramid should work.
I agree but if Wolves signed up to a sell-on clause of 20% to Maidenhead they should honour it.
Personally can’t see it, he will require a lot of money thrown at him … something the consortium have said exactly what they won’t be doing
To be fair we do need a few players I can see him taking up quite a bit of the budget someone put on here he would be our highest paid player
To be fair we do need a few players I can see him taking up quite a bit of the budget someone put on here he would be our highest paid player
By a long way as well, don’t get me wrong I would be more than happy with it, just can’t see it, we are more likely to have someone of the Wylie type I would so, low risk but high reward if it works out
By a long way as well, don’t get me wrong I would be more than happy with it, just can’t see it, we are more likely to have someone of the Wylie type I would so, low risk but high reward if it works out
To be fair I thought he would be snapped up by an efl club the goals he scored last season
I understand McCullum is not one we were seriously after. Pearce however was...
I think Pearce would have happened were it not for the embargo, but similarly, if he was absolutely dead-set on coming here then he might have waited it out. York was a serious enough alternative proposition for him that he decided to go there rather than wait for us.
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