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I beg to differ.

I'm with YB. The difference between top managers and mediocre ones is those who slag their staff off in public and those who do so behind closed doors. I'm sure in private Tilly is furious. In public I couldn't care less what he says...

I would take issue with that.

Mourinho was never shy in telling it how it was if his team were poor, and is he not one of the best managers currently in the game?

For th umpteenth time, I am not asking him to come out and start ranting and raving about his players in public, I was asking for a more realistic summary of the game. It's not exactly being over the top if he turned round and sai we just weren't good enough on the day is it? I don't think any top manager would stop short of saying such a comment if it was true, and in this instance, it was.

I would expect him to keep the team talks in private, but yet again, I will say don't treat fans like idiot's - if you make a comment such as he did, then you will have to expect fans to disagree with it - simple as that really.
What I would say in response, is that I think it is prudent to differentiate between work as the common person knows it, and professional sports.
Let us not forget, most common football fans get paid to slog away for a minimum of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week for 47 weeks of the year, and fight to barely keep their heads above water.
Professional footballers are in a massively priveldged position. They train around 4 hours a day, get to play their chosen sport in front of generous crowds, and, even at this level, are getting paid handsomly for the priveledge. I would suggest that they need to be prepared to take stick from people who add to their already inflated wages each week when their performances are, frankly, ****, like they have been for the majority of the season.

For the same reasons, I do not think the management can be immune from the likelihood of public dissent.

I wouldn't say professional footballers at league one level are that privileged. The established players will be on good money, but the younger players are likely to be on less money than a fair few who pay to watch them. Even considering the current financial climate, their job security will be less than most spectators (especially when playing badly) and their earning potential as a footballer is limited until they are about 35.

Whilst they may only train for 4 hours a day, unlike other careers they still need to take care of their bodies and that means they can't - if they care about their career - eat and drink what they want to. Their contracts probably prohibit them from taking part in other contact sports, riding a bike, extreme sports etc etc so despite all this free time they can't necessarily use it how they'd like to.

They had the talent, desire and dedication to make it, none of us posting on here did, so I'm not going to begrudge them a better than average salary. Professional sport is fairly democratic, because if supporters don't think it is worth paying the ticket price, then they don't go.
Tilly should have told the truth and admitted that that performance was unacceptable. Mediocrity is spreading like a cancer through the team. I hear people saying that the players feel the pain of defeat as much as we the supporters do, but I don't see it. Revell may not be the most prolific of goalscorers but if the like of Messrs. Walker, Francis and Betsy showed half as much passion as the horse we would have nothing to moan at. I read on this site about ''not getting on players backs''. Well if I was one of those players who was being slagged off I would be saying to myself I'll show them. There are only so many times you can put an arm round a player, they are payed for doing a job that most of us only dream about doing. Somewhere the players have to find professional pride and if the reality is that they just aren't good enough at least they earn their wages by giving their all for the team each week . . . . just like a certain Drewe Broughton used to . . . . maybe they could even try the sweatbands
I don't think that is the first time Macca has been upset by on-line comments either.

I would distinguish between criticism from the media and criticism from your own side. It's easy enough to brush off criticism from those who don't know you, but I could imagine it being harder to deal with criticism from those who you know.

Pot, kettle and black spring to mind. Didn't Macca join that facebook page slagging off Trevor Kettle?
I don't know how much Macca does actually read on here, I know the comment he was upset about last week was brought to his attention by someone else ("a mate") and because of the nature of it, he wanted it clarified, that's the only "upset" time as far as I'm aware. The only previous times I'm aware he knew about something were around the time of the Appreciation thread, when he signed his new contract - and which I forwarded to him - and in response to the reception he got when he came on in his first match this season at Roots Hall, when he wanted his thanks conveyed.
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Thats possibly one of the most far from the truth post's ive read on here, how can one player carry a team through winning the play-offs in one league and then the title in the other. Its impossible, the perfect example of one great player does not make a team is Man City..sign robinho..and still only be one place above the relegation zone!

Thats it, shake up the whole managment team in January, unsettle everything and everyone around the club, that should make everything better!

Maher has really set the league alight for Oldham this season hasn't he? By the best player in their squad, i suppose that is shown by him only starting 7 games this season? Yes lets get him back in so he can carry us up the table...2 seasons ago he was a diffrent player to what he is now. Its time to stop living in the past!

T&B made JFC a muppet didnt they? Yea i agree he looked really poor for us, never did nothing poor poor player was good before he came:liar:
Same could be said for Sawyer, Harding, Freedman, Barnard, Laurent and Revell...all who came to club without anyone knowing too much about them, and have impressed us all at times. So how Tilly and Brush turned all these into muppets is beyond me!

Kevin Maher is a one club footballer his heart is at Southend and will allways be at Southend.

Also I did say 3 good central midfielders Maher, Macca & JFC.
Kevin Maher is a one club footballer his heart is at Southend and will allways be at Southend.

Also I did say 3 good central midfielders Maher, Macca & JFC.

That would be the Kevin Maher who joined us from Tottenham and noiw is at Oldham (albeit released by SUFC). That's 3 clubs according to my estimation.
Thats possibly one of the most far from the truth post's ive read on here, how can one player carry a team through winning the play-offs in one league and then the title in the other.

Thats it, shake up the whole managment team in January, unsettle everything and everyone around the club, that should make everything better!

Same could be said for Sawyer, Harding, Freedman, Barnard, Laurent and Revell...all who came to club without anyone knowing too much about them, and have impressed us all at times. So how Tilly and Brush turned all these into muppets is beyond me!

Ok i agree it wasn't just Freddie but it was the Players (Freddie, The Goat, Maher, Spinner, Eagle, Sodje, Gower, Gray and as much as it hurts me to say it Flav's) but all instinctive footballers who played their way.

Someone needs to shake something up i am fed up looking at the dugouts and seeing the away teams manager shouting instuctions at his players whist T & B just sit there like Statler and Waldorf doing nothing.

Sawyer - given a free role to play his own game
Harding - too good for us and will be playing back in the Championship in January
Freedman - experienced pro probably just lets what he is being told go over his head
Barnard - poacher, predator nothing more
Laurent - will now be back on the bench until Freedman and Barnie are injured again
Revell - Battering Ram no real skill just 110% effort for the team will never score many goals so not much to mess up there
That would be the Kevin Maher who joined us from Tottenham and noiw is at Oldham (albeit released by SUFC). That's 3 clubs according to my estimation.

4 actually you forgot Gillingham!!!

yes the same Kevin Maher who was treated so well by the club in his testimonial year

the same Kevin Maher who could have left several times when we were sitting at the bottom of Division 2 for clubs offering him more money at either the top of Division 2 or in Division 1.

that Kevin Maher.
4 actually you forgot Gillingham!!!

yes the same Kevin Maher who was treated so well by the club in his testimonial year

the same Kevin Maher who could have left several times when we were sitting at the bottom of Division 2 for clubs offering him more money at either the top of Division 2 or in Division 1.

that Kevin Maher.

As did you in your initial post.

Maher isn't the first player to suffer the fate of being released in his testimonial year it also happened IIRC to Alan Moody & Tony Hadley. When Maher was released I doubt if many would disagree that Bailey & McCormack had successfully supplanted him in the team, and with the potential of Moussa he was deemed surplus to requirements.

This fate has happened to better players than Kevin Maher and will continue to happen when players are passed their use by date. I was pleased to see him at Roots Hall for Oldham, but he didn't do much on the day, and by all accounts hasn't been that good before or since. I suggest that it was a correct decision to release him at the end of last season.
Oh God, Akinfenwa will kill us. Clarke and Barrett really struggle when up against bigger players than them, as it nullifies their physical game. It will be free-kicks galore against them.

I'd forgotten about Akinfenwa, who has always been a real pain in the arse. Hopefully he won't be playing, though, as he's recovering from a calf injury but has not started training yet and "won't be rushed back", according to Stuart Gray.
That's probably why I haven't been doing so well on the PL then, keep putting him in as 1st scorer for Northampton! Oh well, good news for us hopefully, cos he has been one of those bogey players.
Dear me, agreeing with Napster earlier and now with you! That's a very typical me type post and very surprising hearing it from you, but it is right. Weren't we in a similar boat this time last year as well? Those fragile egos need a bit of massaging and bolstering and tearing them to pieces won't help in the slightest. Luck has been against us, we need to start making our own luck happen, and hopefully with the impetus of Barney and Dougie's returns we might start seeing something a bit more pleasurable to watch on the playing field.

Are we not already relishing the prospect of seeing Macca take on Luke Gutteridge on Boxing Day, and Peter Clarke and Adam Barrett teaching Leon Constantine a few lessons - while hopefully keeping Akinfenwa in check!

And what a magnificent job they did too ! albeit with changed personnel.