Bob Cratchitt
Devil's Advocate
Now now Jim lets not get into tarring as all with the same brush. A couple of posters have expressed their opinion about what the they feel about your site, when you consider we regularly have approx 60 people on here and with 1067 registered users that is hardly everyone.[b said:Quote[/b] (ShrimperJim @ May 26 2005,20:51)]Now for some reason this thread has gone from The trust getting fed up with SZ, to SZ starting to slate us off.
I enjoy your site and frequent it quite often, I am not the type to bad mouth other sites just because I work on this one. I appreciate what you and the other guys do on the site and know how hard it is to maintain a site.
I respect you for the stance you take on the board, even though it will not be to everyones liking.
People have to remember that when SZ was in it's so-called 'heyday' it was run by a student and a guy who seemed to have as much time to post as did Steveh during his City Career, also both were technical.
Whereas the current owners do not have a clue technically and to be honest it was already on a downward spiral with regards to the front page when they ended up in full control. I jumped into the breach to offer my assistance on a temporary basis.
I honestly do not have the time it takes to run this site properly due to my other commitments but we are making ways to allow the non-technical guys to be able to update the site themselves. Also we are trying to get more of you guys to help out with articles and ideas after all where would we be without you. So if you have an idea or wish to send in article then go ahead and send it to Leeboy. Of course we cannot promise to use every article sent in but if it meets the sites requirements, chances are it will appear.