[b said:
Quote[/b] (Winkle @ Sep. 22 2006,16:02)]I hate
Two seconds after walking into a store some spotty t%$$&r asking you " can I help you"
If this is no.1 I implore you, don't ever ever ever ever ever........
.......ever ever go to North America with the intention of nipping in a shop. It annoyed the hell out of me for most of the teim I was there but oddly, I now miss it now I'm back!
Might as well ahve a quick think:
Ignorant people. If everyone thought about what they were doing, the world would run so much more smoothly.
People who rush when there's no need.
People who get agitated about holdups when a few seconds really won't affect them.
People who a) walk slowly, b) stop randomly in the street or c) don't walk in straight lines. What is the point of you?
Umbrellas. People are clearly unable to use them.
Rain on the way to work. The only solution seems to be the heathen umbrella.
Definitely putting sour milk on your cereal before you find out it's sour. Augment this by having used up the last of your cereal.
People who start trouble on a night out with no reason.
Going to bed at six o'clock. It's probably the worst time because you've had to endure that hour between 5 and 6 but have no idea when to get up.
Dog poo on your football boots that you haven't yet cleaned off from Sunday's game. It's probably gonna reek.
People who let their dogs poo on somewhere people have to run/walk.
The way that, when I first joined on here, my posts were immaculately typed and now they have descended in to typo central.
There's got to be loads more but I must have had a fairly stress free time of late!