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Strikes take 2

No but then you don;t have 100's , 1000's of employees who could not be managed nor provided for long term if you up-scaled . Also as you already pointed out your affected by the market your in and if anyone either wants or needs your product or service you provide .

Essential services like emergency health care , fire services and education are not a profit or loss making system and make no sense to be judged or managed in that way ?

Osy - ive got a management team who look after the staff in my various businesses. "Up-scaling" (growing is the word I prefer) will just require more managers... And I've got a fair few staff too. All of whom know that they're responsible for their own success and progress. Might not be at 100 - but not far off now, we've had a very good year :-)

With regards whether people want or need my services - that's one of my roles, as an innovator. If we get left behind, we'll stagnate. And it'll be me who suffers.
Maybe , though if the two tier has been in affect for the last decade neither one is anything to be proud of , and if run to actually make people more aware , then by your statement the A&E figures would decline .

You are implying that A&E should be 'run to actually make people more aware' - instead of them taking any responsibility for their own actions. So that's the point of my previous post.
Osy - ive got a management team who look after the staff in my various businesses. "Up-scaling" (growing is the word I prefer) will just require more managers... And I've got a fair few staff too. All of whom know that they're responsible for their own success and progress. Might not be at 100 - but not far off now, we've had a very good year :-)

With regards whether people want or need my services - that's one of my roles, as an innovator. If we get left behind, we'll stagnate. And it'll be me who suffers.
Ah well thats differnet ;-) . In that case you see my point. ive heard many one man bands and so forth stating that they they work and such a such way so why cant a much larger organisation also work in that way (lack of knowledge ). It's (as I'm sure your a master of ) the details that are being left out that are annoying me more then any right or left debate on this one .

Again i do agree but , the services of the public sector are not designed or should (as they are a basic right for everyone in that society ) run in the way a free market is and should can really only operate to their best woith out the preassure of being run as a profit or loss system .
You are implying that A&E should be 'run to actually make people more aware' - instead of them taking any responsibility for their own actions. So that's the point of my previous post.
No , I was stating that if education improved then people would be more aware of what is and what is not an emergency . Which is the responsibility of their educators.
No , I was stating that if education improved then people would be more aware of what is and what is not an emergency . Which is the responsibility of their educators.

Are you serious? We need to be told by the nanny state that a twisted ankle isn't a matter of life and death? Jesus Tapdancing Christ. What we need is privatized health care that penalises people for being ****ing morons.
Strikers told to be home in time for Newsround

Margaret Hollis, whose daughter Nikki is 'very grouchy' said: "Her bottom lip starts trembling and then she says 'mummy, I was promised a lovely thing and now they're changing everything'.

"I'm happy for her to go on her little strike but I don't want it to disturb her routine. So, as normal, I'll drop her off at the council building about nine-ish and pick her up about half-four. And in between times she'll just be standing around drinking coffee and talking to her friends.
If the contribuitions start of say as employee 10%- 5% employer (which is common ) and then either equalise or are taken by the employer over years of service then a low paid government worker (and a wage of 15000-18000 is not uncommon) would take the hit of 10% of the montly wage .

The original idea of attracting people into public sector was low wages were balanced by long term benefits , the private one was more a risk , but with greater rewards .

If an employer is willing to contribute a percentage of salary into a scheme, why can't that be diverted to another scheme? If it's better for the employee they should consider it.
Are you serious? We need to be told by the nanny state that a twisted ankle isn't a matter of life and death? Jesus Tapdancing Christ. What we need is privatized health care that penalises people for being ****ing morons.

Wait arn't Tories/Republican all for independence and self regulation ? So your against the idea of people being taught by their educators as they grow , about their own bodies and basic maintenance and care ? You dont want a free "nanny" state telling how to do this you want to pay for the privilage of someone telling you how to live your own life ?

Mind you , you must also have special powers of self diagnosis as this site American Academy of Orthopaedic surgeons states there are 3 grades of twisted ankle , grade 2 and 3 immobilise you
http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=a00150 . Or is that not serious enough ?
Ah well thats differnet ;-) . In that case you see my point. ive heard many one man bands and so forth stating that they they work and such a such way so why cant a much larger organisation also work in that way (lack of knowledge ). It's (as I'm sure your a master of ) the details that are being left out that are annoying me more then any right or left debate on this one .

Again i do agree but , the services of the public sector are not designed or should (as they are a basic right for everyone in that society ) run in the way a free market is and should can really only operate to their best woith out the preassure of being run as a profit or loss system .

Indeed - as an organisation grows, change is far more difficult to implement. However - I think it is the cultural differences between the public and private sector mindset that is the issue here. A broad generalisation, but it appears that those in the public sector are embedded in a "the world owes me a living, a pension and a pay rise" culture - which isn't the case outside of the public sector.
That is such a OMG moment.
Proud to make a stand,few days ago you were going in because you need the money and now that you cant work(your school is closed today)all of a sudden you arePROUD TO MAKE A STAND,if i could spell hipercrite then i would call you one.
Old blue lady back on form shocker.
When I worked out that it actually meant just under £30 for the day and after much discussion and reading into the scenario and understanding more fully the implications for ALL those working in the public sector, I decided to opt out for the day. Oh, and my school is open, with the head and deputy intending to cover classes of absent teachers.
Indeed - as an organisation grows, change is far more difficult to implement. However - I think it is the cultural differences between the public and private sector mindset that is the issue here. A broad generalisation, but it appears that those in the public sector are embedded in a "the world owes me a living, a pension and a pay rise" culture - which isn't the case outside of the public sector.

And that is the issue , it is a simple stereotype (like all private sector are money grabbing heartless buggers ;0) ) . The system does need looking at there is no denying it , but not all the pensions need to be changed in this way , the teachers one as regularly pointed out (and by 2 Westminster audits ) is sustainable and was modified back in 2008 . And plenty of "spongers" and schisters on both sides of the fence (BAA and mod contracts anyone ;-))
Yawn. One teacher picketing outside our school, her class is off the day, rest of school open as per.

I would have more sympathy if the country wasn't in dire straits economically.
Mrs FS has gone in , largely as her level is union exempt. She has a service to run and will be doing it on a much reduced workforce, her Pension is equally impacted by the cuts yet she still supports her staff's right to strike as she is aware of the situation they are in.

Empathy , the difference between Public sector managers and Private sector managers
Wait arn't Tories/Republican all for independence and self regulation ? So your against the idea of people being taught by their educators as they grow , about their own bodies and basic maintenance and care ? You dont want a free "nanny" state telling how to do this you want to pay for the privilage of someone telling you how to live your own life ?

Mind you , you must also have special powers of self diagnosis as this site American Academy of Orthopaedic surgeons states there are 3 grades of twisted ankle , grade 2 and 3 immobilise you
http://orthoinfo.aaos.org/topic.cfm?topic=a00150 . Or is that not serious enough ?

I don't need to be 'educated' by the state, or a private corporation. I just want a good quality of care (which I've paid for) when I hoover too much chop. You're such that you can't see the inherent contradictions in the illiterate bilge that you type. Independence and self regulation means you don't rely on the Ministry of Truth to 'educate' you about anything.
Isn't it the parents as well? Isn't it just commonsense?
Well i did say educators to Rusty . Common sense is learnt behaviour as is any study of anatomy . There are many ailments that appear to be benign to begin with but cause deterioration quickly with out basic knowledge to get treatment and vis versa . How many of us can honestly hold up our hands and say we know even the basic's of our own bodies ?
Can we drop the personal insults please chaps,I am bored of having to delete them.
When I worked out that it actually meant just under £30 for the day and after much discussion and reading into the scenario and understanding more fully the implications for ALL those working in the public sector, I decided to opt out for the day. Oh, and my school is open, with the head and deputy intending to cover classes of absent teachers.

TBH Kay phrases like that do not exactly help, its a withdrawal of labour about pay and principles, not a day "opting out" of work because you can afford to