The poster formerly known as BoyWonder2 ⭐🦐
If we are to get out of this league then we need to get a proven striker like say Ollie Palmer who is a big lump with a record of scoring goals, and generally being a sh1thouse to other sides.
What is the point is Shivaas Gulati joining the board if he is not going to get the cheque book out buy a few players to get us out of this poxy league.
I for one couldn't care less about the burgers etc because I go to watch the football (if you can call it that right now).
Yes, I am grateful to COSU for what they have done for the club but we do need to look at spending a few quid, rather than take a gamble on a young loanee who of course will be taken back/sent elsewhere if and when they perform which just puts in on a merry go round.
And before the lynch mob come out with "there was more debt than first anticipated) etc, what was the point in weeks and months of DD if the rat was hiding things because surely that would have been discovered and if not, he and Rat Junior is gonna be libel.
I know of half a dozen companies who had effectively written off what RM owed them because they had stopped chasing it as wasn’t worth the hassle anymore.
Now we are under new ownership, and they are decent blokes, these companies have come out of the woodwork demanding their money, and rightly so.
I imagine I don’t know half of these type of things going on. I’m not sure DD would have uncovered this type of debt.