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Shrimpers Trust News Statement 05/07/24 Thank You Anna Firth


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Staff member
Shrimpers Trust statement following the UK General Election held on 4th July 2024.
The Shrimpers Trust would like to place on record its thanks to Anna Firth, the former Member of Parliament for Southend West and Leigh. Anna may have lost her seat, but the Trust believes her contribution in attempting to safeguard the future of Southend United Football Club, and lower and non-league football clubs in general through the Football Governance Bill Committee, should not be forgotten.


Having initially worked with the club’s owner, Ron Martin, to help lift a winding-up petition served by HMRC, Anna quickly saw his true colours when the club was swiftly placed under a registration embargo for failing to meet further obligations to HMRC.

From that point on, supported and guided by her senior caseworker, Emrys Davies, she was fully engaged with listening to the views of supporters and gave up hours of time working with all parties involved in the negotiations for the consortium, COSU, to take control of the football club.

Anna worked tirelessly in lobbying for Southend United, regularly liaising with COSU, with the General Manager of the National League, Mark Ives, and with representatives of the Shrimpers Trust Board and the wider supporters’ groups, and presenting our case to the sports minister, Stuart Andrew.

She also advocated for our club in Parliament, regularly referencing our belief that the past 25 years of ownership under Ron Martin should be used to demonstrate the necessity for an independent football regulator in the context of the Football Governance Bill, as well as the work of the Southend United Ex Players Association. Anna and Emrys will always be welcome at Roots Hall.

We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate David Burton-Sampson, the incumbent MP for the constituency, and Bayo Alaba, who was elected to the neighbouring area of Southend East and Rochford.

The Shrimpers Trust is an apolitical organisation, and we have already met with both David and Bayo as well as seeking their views during the recent hustings hosted by our friends at Shrimperscast. We look forward to liaising closely with them both to further the cause of Southend United.

The Shrimpers Trust Board.

I posted this as @jphfitz is away sunning his arse. :Smile2:
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Shrimpers Trust statement following the UK General Election held on 4th July 2024.
The Shrimpers Trust would like to place on record its thanks to Anna Firth, the former Member of Parliament for Southend West and Leigh. Anna may have lost her seat, but the Trust believes her contribution in attempting to safeguard the future of Southend United Football Club, and lower and non-league football clubs in general through the Football Governance Bill Committee, should not be forgotten.


Having initially worked with the club’s owner, Ron Martin, to help lift a winding-up petition served by HMRC, Anna quickly saw his true colours when the club was swiftly placed under a registration embargo for failing to meet further obligations to HMRC.

From that point on, supported and guided by her senior caseworker, Emrys Davies, she was fully engaged with listening to the views of supporters and gave up hours of time working with all parties involved in the negotiations for the consortium, COSU, to take control of the football club.

Anna worked tirelessly in lobbying for Southend United, regularly liaising with COSU, with the General Manager of the National League, Mark Ives, and with representatives of the Shrimpers Trust Board and the wider supporters’ groups, and presenting our case to the sports minister, Stuart Andrew.

She also advocated for our club in Parliament, regularly referencing our belief that the past 25 years of ownership under Ron Martin should be used to demonstrate the necessity for an independent football regulator in the context of the Football Governance Bill, as well as the work of the Southend United Ex Players Association. Anna and Emrys will always be welcome at Roots Hall.

We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate David Burton-Sampson, the incumbent MP for the constituency, and Bayo Alaba, who was elected to the neighbouring area of Southend East and Rochford.

The Shrimpers Trust is an apolitical organisation, and we have already met with both David and Bayo as well as seeking their views during the recent hustings hosted by our friends at Shrimperscast. We look forward to liaising closely with them both to further the cause of Southend United.

The Shrimpers Trust Board.

I posted this as @jphfitz is away sunning his arse. :Smile2:
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Shrimpers Trust statement following the UK General Election held on 4th July 2024.
The Shrimpers Trust would like to place on record its thanks to Anna Firth, the former Member of Parliament for Southend West and Leigh. Anna may have lost her seat, but the Trust believes her contribution in attempting to safeguard the future of Southend United Football Club, and lower and non-league football clubs in general through the Football Governance Bill Committee, should not be forgotten.


Having initially worked with the club’s owner, Ron Martin, to help lift a winding-up petition served by HMRC, Anna quickly saw his true colours when the club was swiftly placed under a registration embargo for failing to meet further obligations to HMRC.

From that point on, supported and guided by her senior caseworker, Emrys Davies, she was fully engaged with listening to the views of supporters and gave up hours of time working with all parties involved in the negotiations for the consortium, COSU, to take control of the football club.

Anna worked tirelessly in lobbying for Southend United, regularly liaising with COSU, with the General Manager of the National League, Mark Ives, and with representatives of the Shrimpers Trust Board and the wider supporters’ groups, and presenting our case to the sports minister, Stuart Andrew.

She also advocated for our club in Parliament, regularly referencing our belief that the past 25 years of ownership under Ron Martin should be used to demonstrate the necessity for an independent football regulator in the context of the Football Governance Bill, as well as the work of the Southend United Ex Players Association. Anna and Emrys will always be welcome at Roots Hall.

We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate David Burton-Sampson, the incumbent MP for the constituency, and Bayo Alaba, who was elected to the neighbouring area of Southend East and Rochford.

The Shrimpers Trust is an apolitical organisation, and we have already met with both David and Bayo as well as seeking their views during the recent hustings hosted by our friends at Shrimperscast. We look forward to liaising closely with them both to further the cause of Southend United.

The Shrimpers Trust Board.

I posted this as @jphfitz is away sunning his arse. :Smile2:
Nice words by @Piley66
Grateful she got involved whatever the motive.
I need reminding of her previous involvement with the club? Was she a fan, and possibly got mentioned in dispatches before adding weight to our plight?
I personally was not a fan of her and often called her “ photo opportunity Anna Firth” but she did take up our cause and whether that was for her personal portfolio or not is neither here nor there - the fact is she did support us and for that we should thank her.
Will she still make her entrance in the West arriving late and walking down to the front in her blue coat and pink hat?
Every edition of the Echo seemed to have a photo of Anna Firth, obviously part of a campaign to get as much recognition as possible. Didn't agree with her politics at all but she should be acknowledged for her efforts to save our club. Similar to Sir Teddy Taylor when he was MP for Southend East.
I couldn't care less what party she stood for and what her ulterior motives were (personally I thought they were genuine), anyone who helped out cause during very needed times has my full respect and that goes for Clr Cowan too who was excellent.

All this sneering on here just because people don't like her politics is sad, and typifies the "my opinion is fact and anyone who disagrees is wrong" world which just divides us all.
I couldn't care less what party she stood for and what her ulterior motives were (personally I thought they were genuine), anyone who helped out cause during very needed times has my full respect and that goes for Clr Cowan too who was excellent.

All this sneering on here just because people don't like her politics is sad, and typifies the "my opinion is fact and anyone who disagrees is wrong" world which just divides us all.
You’re wrong
