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Stan Collymore Statement.

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It's clear ron has cash flow issues..... countless of winding up orders tells you that. CEO would be welcome addition but it wouldn't solve the problems overnight.

I still feel player recruitment will be ongoing issue until ron goes....... No decent players will sign for a club who doesn't pay players ontime or never! In that department we will continue to sign injury prone players which know 1 wants, unfortunately that's who we can only attract. Sad but true!

As simple as that as the root issue.

What makes it even worse is the fact Ron continues to make promises he cannot deliver and people still fall for it.
Christ, did anyone honestly think there was going to be a longer term happy ending.

The triangle of Ron, Stan and Phil was never going to work.

We all know Ron, Stan has a stong personality and a strong opinion whereas Phil will want to do things his way.....

I must go Tesco's later, I've run out of salt with all those pinches over the last few weeks

Thanks for trying Stan, always a legend, we move on..........
Ok so what I have taken from this, in round about way, Ron has said, thank you but no thank you to Stan, and he will employ his original CEO (Ron has every right to do this)

That wasn't a workable solution to Stan (Stan has every right to acknowledge this)

The Stan package rightly brought in his own CEO (again I am assuming), this would have been extremely difficult for a personality of that of Phil Brown, to be a workable solution (Brown also has every right in his negotiation to vent this)

RM moved quickly to secure Phil Brown, He had too, we simply couldn't be left afloat in a rudderless ship as we were last season, Ron knowing that with all the good will in the world, there simply couldn't be a role for SC once PB accepted the job.

When Stan made that very first initial email and message to SUFC fans, the world was about to be thrown on its head, scathing remarks (rightly so) about RM, his credibility to run a football club, and that there could possibly be a challenge to his ownership, based on Stan lead contacts (As it is for every fan), Stan has a right to vent and let his feelings be known on this board) regardless of who they are .. .

Stan raised the clubs profile over night, he raised the SOS groups profile over night, and he 'got in front' officially with RM, with integrity and a high level of professionalism. He also helped to orchestrate the feelings of the fans as one group, again we have a lot to thank him for.

Unfortunately, the sad sad facts are there is simply no way of removing RM, unless someone off their own accord comes to the table with a bucket load of cash, then we alone, or us along with Stans presence have no chance of removing RM as it stands.

so those are the positives. the negatives are the SOS group have been left in a limbo state ever since fans involvement, do they push to put pressure on RM, of do they twist and seek to bring all groups together for change (stans approach) What did happen to those highly prized set of questions that were going to be your base? What I can say is, we have been relegated just over 1 week, and for all the bluster, all the big shots across the bow, we are in exactly the same place we would have been in 1 month ago, when the pressure on RM started.

Relegated, no CEO, fan pressure passive at most, and no path of change or no visual reaction from the Board... the perfect storm for Ron

No ones to blame for that, it simply is what it is. one thing I will say is this... No one is a troll for not agreeing or liking Stan Collymore, we live in a democracy we can all have our own thoughts.. I loved Stan absolutely loved him, followed his whole career after he left us (as many of us will have done) If i was down to my last fiver ,and Stan needed it, without a shadow of a doubt I would drive to down to him and give him it personally. Was this club ready for the radical change it so needed, but right at this point? My view is No. in the simplest of terms, we just need to get back to being a basic football team, with a gaffa of experience, local liked coaches, a CEO and some structure... the most important thing this club needs next season is stability (that of course is only my view) with the best will and intention in the world, would we have got that?? judging by some of the explosive messages on here? Maybe not...

I cannot thank you enough Stan for caring about us the way you do, it humbles us, that you are simply one of us, a work class guy brought up the right way, and showing respect and loyalty to those that showed you the same respect in the past... Thank you for trying
Personally i think its for the best, it was quite clear from the first bailout that stan wasnt going to go the distance, and id rather it happened now then 3 weeks into the season something upsets stan and he walks out, and with a character like ron martin something is always going to be said to upset someone!

I suggest we all just draw a line under it, hope ron appoints a CEO and get behind brown and the team.
I haven't worked for talksport for 5 years.

5 LIVE for 13.

I met the Forest owner at his home to tell him on behalf of supporters groups that they wanted him out.

Within months he sold the club.

The vitriol towards me by a minority on this board is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Conspiracy theories as to my involvement when I literally told everyone everything from day one is mean spirited and disrespectful.

Doing this for publicity? Is that some kind of joke? To date I've helped the Trust get £10k from £0k in 5 days and have sat a wonderfully exciting CEO in front on the club. Someone tell me where the ego or self publicity is in this? Anyone?

Some of the poison on this forum is beyond belief.

I'll say no more out of respect for those on here who have been engaging, respectful and took the time to watch every zoom call and read every post.
There is also a lot of love on here for you Stan. Focus on that not the moronic comments.
We are all use to it, shows how far things have gone
Can I just ask him if there is any pressure on Ron from the supporters groups or has the lethargy spread so far that an acceptance of the current norm is all there is? Not a dig at you as feel SOS probably are the most dynamic current group but a question to understand.
And just like that, I am back to feeling low about the future of the club.

Fwiw I have been indecisive about buying a season card next season.

I've gone from absolutely not to maybe to definitely to now probably not.

I'll wait and see what happens with a CEO, DOF, prices and ambition in the transfer market before I decide.

As much as I am disappointed that Stan has chosen to end ties after things changed, I am more disappointed at the constant "I'm in and out and back in" this smacks as petty.

Just two days ago Stan was talking about a bright future in 7 days and now this.

I'm not sure Stan is the right person to be involved if every time something happens he disappears, and to unfriend people on socials shows a distinct lack of class IMHO.

Stan appears to be someone who really cares and wants to help, and I'm not doubting his contacts but appears someone who really doesn't take any form of objection well, often defaulting to cutting all ties as a coping mechanism.

I thank you for you efforts Stan and wish you all the success for your future, but we need stability and structure and not people in place that fold at any given hurdle.
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As simple as that as the root issue.

What makes it even worse is the fact Ron continues to make promises he cannot deliver and people still fall for it.
I don't really see much changing on the player recruitment area...... phil brown might have more of a pull interms of his reputation in the game compared to mark molesley type of manager but majority of players and agents knows sufc are a financial basket case of a football club.

Unless new ownership comes in (which I doubt will happen) sufc will continue to sign rubbish injury prone players.
Completely gutted by this. What a crap start to the week.

Oh and Shrimperzone can you just start getting rid of the obvious trolls.. it’s ruining the forum IMO

Tbh the whole point of the forum is reasoned debate. If people structure criticism in a reasonable manner then it's all good. Throw away remarks for the sake of causing friction however........
Can I just ask him if there is any pressure on Ron from the supporters groups or has the lethargy spread so far that an acceptance of the current norm is all there is? Not a dig at you as feel SOS probably are the most dynamic current group but a question to understand.

Should the campaign now become "Martin Out" ? Perhaps that's a theme for a new thread ?
Tbh the whole point of the forum is reasoned debate. If people structure criticism in a reasonable manner then it's all good. Throw away remarks for the sake of causing friction however........

Except some people don’t use the forum for reasoned structured debate & want to use it as a place to wind others up & dig people out. Even certain well established members are guilty

Many of us can deal with these idiots & brush them off with an equally salty comeback but others take the bait so exacerbating the issue.

I’m all for sarcastic, witty comebacks (I HATE the word banter) but anonymously posting with the aim of getting a rise out of someone is quite annoying.

What did pique my interest is Stans reaction to some of the more barbed comments negatively questioning his involvement at the club (‘vitriol’ as Stan said)

There is ALWAYS going to be somebody who has non-constructive criticism to whatever one does, there will NEVER be a situation where everyone agrees with your point of view or ideas & people can be openly hostile.
That’s life. You have to get a thick skin & deal with it.

I do wonder how long he would have remained in an official capacity at the club in a role that would have no doubt had it’s detractors. Stans ideas & contacts etc would be a definite boon to the club & supporters, no doubt putting us on a path to better times. However I’m not so keen on the “I’m out” approach when critics crawl out of the woodwork or hurdles encountered, that just part of any job I’m afraid. Success doesn’t come from walking away from a project if someone says or does something one doesn’t agree with.

The majority of us are backing Stans involvement- that should be enough for us & him. He was always going to have a battle to get his foot in the door to Ron’s domain but I believed he could do it & find some common ground. Sadly not.
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Tbh the whole point of the forum is reasoned debate. If people structure criticism in a reasonable manner then it's all good. Throw away remarks for the sake of causing friction however........

He's not talking about the posters that have a different opinion, he's talking about obvious trolls, that come out of the woodwork when we have a huge topic, and just do their nonsense.
Well Stan has repeatedly stated that the fans are the most important part of the club. If so, tell us what went on, precisely, as being the most important means we have the right to know.
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