Life President
It was recently claimed that RM has put £10m into Southend United, but I've always doubted how much he has actually contributed/loaned. Sainsbury's have paid £5m of that 10 - agreed? So of the other 5m how much has actually come out of his pocket is it just another case of robbing Peter to pay Paul to pay Sir John, and moving funds from A>B>C Pi squared ? If we/he ever do profit from FF I would be fascinated to see where the money dribbles back to/who is reimbursed etc.
His companies have put a lot in since taking over Im sure, but yes Sainsbury have given him at least 5 million as well. He wouldnt have put any of his own personal money in, but I would imagine thats how it works with many chairmen.
Certainly over the last 3 years its hard to see how he has put anything in other than borrowed money though.