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Post-Match Thread and Ratings Southend United 2 Swindon 1

I thought Betsy worked better with Sankofa than he has done in recent games with Francis at RB. A really good signing, very pleased with the way he's slotted in and the creativity he's brought with his pace and delivery.
When did that happen, I don't remember it. :unsure:

The fans were booing Tilly for taking him off, not him for his performance. :stunned:

I'm not sure who got the last touch but Federici came out and the ball went past him I think he got a slight touch on it and it bounced back off the post.
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I'm not sure who got the last touch but Federici came out and the ball went past him I think he got a slight touch on it and it bounced back off the post.

Bounced off the post in the first half and Clarkey (was it?) cleared it off the line.

Federici werent as good as he has been. Decent enough for the crosses in the second half. Good save in the first from that Paynter chap I think it was when he tipped it over the bar.

But then it werent a great game and Swindon werent very good compared to last weeks opposition.
I'm not sure who got the last touch but Federici came out and the ball went past him I think he got a slight touch on it and it bounced back off the post.

Is that the one that Barrett cleared off the line? Just shows how things aren't always clear from different angles in the crowd. :doh:
Dont usually comment on the player ratings but I thought Christophe was outstanding today, should have got man of the match. Perfect foil for Sawyer or Macormack and I think we have a good chance of keeping him.
Did you go to the game? Sankofa was great at right back! Kanu can not do corners and freekicks because he is good at crossing low and hard across the 6 yard box and he did well part from the poor 3 corners and freekicks. Sawyer is great again!

If we had Torres and Drogba upfront they won't have a sniff??? we had 10 shots and 9 corners and many more freekicks.

Peacock won everything in the ari, despite the finger injury??? How does having a finger injury stop you heading the ball, think before posting mate.

The last bit is just stupid as the defense was good today and did you see Barrett save our arse at the back post?

Thanks for the insults ! Can you not state your opinion without the need to belittle others?

I may have been a little harsh on Sankofa looking back, however he was a key part of a defence which I felt was poor on the day. I would question his positioning at times in the first half which let Swindon get in round the back. Clarke was jumping into tackles where he should have been standing up his man. Barrett was molesting Paynter for much of the game, and Francis was again nowhere near his best. We were very fortunate to not give away penalty for a blatant handball; there was the complete mix up for the time they hit the post, and we cleared off line. The communication between all was poor, although I will accept there was a defensive change to adapt to today. A better team though would have punished us. There was also the header for the goal, which Sankofa should be winning. He was soundly beaten to the ball by a far smaller player.

As for the Torres/Drogba comment, that was no sleight at all on our front two, more a lamentation on the dire service from midfield. I can barely remember a game where our service was so appalling. Free-kicks that constantly sailed miles over the bar, crosses that often went out for throws, corners that couldn’t beat the first man, bad decisions to cross to offside players. Fortunately for us our two good balls into the box were converted. Also, if Robson-Kanu is only good at low balls, why is he taking our freekicks?

I am pleased with the result, and pleased with the progress this team is making. Everybody has an offday, and if you can pick up 3 points then all the better. I just think we have some bigger tougher battles to come in the future as we play more of the top sides, and we will be punished if we are as sloppy as we were today.
In the area where I was sitting there was a number of really anti-Walker people, who were on his back the whole time - and I mean from his first kick. He'd have definitely heard some of the comments.
TBH what i've seen from him this season and the few games last season, i'm not surprised people are getting on his back. he runs with his head down, occasionally beats his man, but can't score to save his life. i'll be surprised if he scores 3-5 goals ALL season. yesterday's miss sums it all up
TBH what i've seen from him this season and the few games last season, i'm not surprised people are getting on his back. he runs with his head down, occasionally beats his man, but can't score to save his life. i'll be surprised if he scores 3-5 goals ALL season. yesterday's miss sums it all up

He scored 7 goals last season. If he was a first team regular over a full season I'd expect him to score between 10 and 15 goals.
I think we did very well to get out of that with all the points!

Not that swindon were any good or anything, just considering barny and freedman were out (no offence to alex and jimmy) i think the whole team had to put that little bit more effort in to complete the job..

Could, and most probably should have had a few more yesterday, but well done blues and we're building quite a run up now! :)

*also, very impressed with kanu in my opinion.. he was beating their left back all day long and and we look a bit more dangerous with him coming forward
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I haven't noticed it anywhere, do we know why Barney wasn't playing? He was there in a flashy tracksuit (non-Club issue I'd say!) before the game.
Rev on the OS, talking about his injury "I have had a slight glute problem...", polite way of saying @rse? :D