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So are we safe now?

I’m delighted by the potential decoupling of property and club, but it does beggar the question why this could not have happened earlier.

I guess rat boy knew his original plans were pie in the sky and never getting through DD, so he may have been reticent bit he’s probably reticent still now so I don’t understand why not earlier.

That said, I’m delighted it looks like happening. I’m lubricated and ready to rock on that front so this is not negative.
Risk, I guess.

By doing it this way, there is increased risk certainly for COSU, as they are essentially taking on a loss making football club with little to no assets. With the hope in time, that the freehold to RH will arrive, along with £20m to do her up.

Even the rat faces increased risk, as he loses his bargaining chip (our club) which he has held hostage, for so long. IF and a big IF he let's it go of course, which as yet has not happened...this scares me to death and I won't breathe easy until confirmation arrives he has done so and it's legally binding.

Also, I guess if COSU had of known how bad the original deal (allegedly) was for SCC and how unlikely it would of passed DD, then this de-coupling may have happened sooner. From what COSU were being told, it should of sailed through many months ago.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
I’m delighted by the potential decoupling of property and club, but it does beggar the question why this could not have happened earlier.
When Cox was in charge he probably would have got planning permission even if we went under, so he wasn't that bothered about the club surviving. It isn't ideal for COSU either as we're still in debt to Ron, if it all goes wrong they now are stuck with the debt.
Risk, I guess.

By doing it this way, there is increased risk certainly for COSU, as they are essentially taking on a loss making football club with little to no assets. With the hope in time, that the freehold to RH will arrive, along with £20m to do her up.

Even the rat faces increased risk, as he loses his bargaining chip (our club) which he has held hostage, for so long. IF and a big IF he let's it go of course, which as yet has not happened...this scares me to death and I won't breathe easy until confirmation arrives he has done so and it's legally binding.

Also, I guess if COSU had of known how bad the original deal (allegedly) was for SCC and how unlikely it would of passed DD, then this de-coupling may have happened sooner. From what COSU were being told, it should of sailed through many months ago.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
RH is the only stadium in COSU'S plans and they've made that clear. The medium term plan will be a rebuilt East Stand, then we can see what further upgrades the finances and league position could support.
I don't disagree at all and if they can get RH then great, I only asked the question as their plans have now changed to take on the club without getting the assurances they wanted.

I suppose I'm just cynical of whether RM will ever hand over the land as agreed.
RH is the only stadium in COSU'S plans and they've made that clear. The medium term plan will be a rebuilt East Stand, then we can see what further upgrades the finances and league position could support.
That's true, but it's likely to be dependent on rat's £20m. So the question is will that still be the case if that doesn't materialise?
Get the concortium installed first .Get the club back on its feet first . then and only then worrie about the 20 millons . Once they homes are beginging bto be built then chase the 20 millon .
People saying that we won't be safe until the Rat is gone, while that may be somewhat true in the immediate sense, once COSU take full control we'll still be a club making a very significant loss with very limited assets. While we can all see the significant potential for our club in this city, and so far all the statements and actions by COSU are positive, I'm still going to be really worried about our long term viability until:
- the renovation/upgrades to RH bring us back to League standard
- our training ground is finalised
- our academy is reinstated and we see players coming through
- we are highly active in the community and rebuild our trust with local businesses and community groups.

I really hope that the days of embargos, points deductions and WUPs are behind us now, and it's good to be optimistic about the future, but we do need to be cautious and give COSU time, while also holding them account to deliver what they have promised over the longer term.

That is a very good post.

I'm not sure that we have arrived at the point of having embargoes etcetera behind us but as you say it's good to be optimistic whilst being cautious & watchful/vigilant at the same time.
That is a very good post.

I'm not sure that we have arrived at the point of having embargoes etcetera behind us but as you say it's good to be optimistic whilst being cautious & watchful/vigilant at the same time.

I'm sure Cosu will have certain caveats in the deal. The training ground is done and can function well in a temporary facility for a season or two ie changing facilities and gym etc.

Roots hall can be improved to a certain degree. The bar in the east being an example. Toilets and catering facilities can be upgraded without too much cost and the car park easily used for matchday catering, beer tents and music etc.

Ideally more structural work will ensue but for now it's workable.

We have to also take into account that Ron ran everything poorly and Cosu will be much more dynamic and cost effective. Couple that with increase matchday revenue and tickets sold, the loss starts to diminish quicky and become manageable
The club is nearly safe. COSU are pushing for a share transfer before the end of the week.

Roots Hall will follow (eventually) hopefully. But if it never does, the club will find a new home as it did when Roots Hall is built.

We are tantalisingly close to safety.
The club is nearly safe. COSU are pushing for a share transfer before the end of the week.

Roots Hall will follow (eventually) hopefully. But if it never does, the club will find a new home as it did when Roots Hall is built.

We are tantalisingly close to safety.
Which week?

Working week?

The club is nearly safe. COSU are pushing for a share transfer before the end of the week.

Roots Hall will follow (eventually) hopefully. But if it never does, the club will find a new home as it did when Roots Hall is built.

We are tantalisingly close to safety.
I don’t think think you realise the cost of finding a new home. I hope you have deep pockets because the consortium certainly haven’t got the money or willingness to do that.
I don’t think think you realise the cost of finding a new home. I hope you have deep pockets because the consortium certainly haven’t got the money or willingness to do that.
That's why they're trying to sort out RH. But anything Ron touches turns to ****, so until it's theirs, there's a risk it never will be.