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Breaking News Shaun Hobson joins Oldham

Just imagine being an Oldham fan and you see the news today of this signing. A CB whom was part of one of the best defenses in the league. Then look at his age and the fact he got into the team of the year. You'd be absolutely buzzing! Let's face it, there were many that were excited when we signed Lomas because he got in the team of the season in the league below. The signing of Hobson is huge for Oldham.

I actually think this is a better move for Hobson than the proposed move to Accrington. Oldham have aspirations and are a big club in the lower leagues. He is young enough to do another season in the NL with the hope of promotion this year. Oldham would be better equipped than Accrington going forward.

He gave his all for us and scored some brilliant goals too (FGR's away and Scunny away!). Good luck to him.
****ing Oldham!

He’s better than that, I suppose he’s gone to a bigger club than what was on offer in the league above.

Always knew he was off but Oldham! He’s better than the National League.
Not bothered about losing Hobson? Check your head . Only in team of the season mate don’t worry about it
Which team of the season.? Look it’s about opinions. I liked him but found him inconsistent at times. Sure there are players you don’t like that others do. I hope he does well but the fact that he has gone to another NL and the likes of Kensdale is being looked at by Ipswich is telling for me
I usually agree with you a lot of the time Jon but not on this occasion. Hobson is one of the best defenders in this division, losing him to a team who’ll be up there with us (you’d hope) is a bitter pill to swallow.
I think my frustration isn’t so much losing him,I don’t like losing any players but we all knew he’d be off. The bigger frustration is we can’t replace him. If we lose Kensdake then we will be in trouble. But Kev and co have known about Hobson since last season so sure they have replacements lined up…. As and when We can
Not bothered?! Are you feeling okay?
More annoyed that we can’t replace him than actually losing him. I do get what people are saying and he was good for us but also threw in some shockers as well. Guess that why he is at this level.
It's a shame to loose what I'm sure has become a decent voice n has some feel for the club type player after all he has been through with us but I've had a live hate relationship with him since the beginning. It's a shame to loose a main stay but u can't knock him for his choices he has been a good professional for us an his career is on a upward trajectory whereas for us we are in a period of insecurity again.
Hahahaha one of THE BEST centre half’s in the league by a mile.
So how many of the top 5 from last season would he get into. Ive not said anywhere that he isn’t a good player, he certainly is and stuck with us through tough times. He deserves his move if that is what he wanted. But he is replaceable and I sure Kev and co have players lined up. Kensdale and lomas have both come in under this regime so it’s not like they aren’t out there. I wish Hobson all the best and thank him for his service just not sure why everyone is so upset about him leaving when he has wanted out since last season. For the record I’m also glad that his goal against Scunny was one of his last contributions we will all remember. I was there and it was brilliant
If we had to lose a player of his quality then you'd hope it would be to the EFL instead of a competitor at the same level, so that stings a bit. Good to see a previously troubled club in Oldham firmly back on their feet to an upwards trajectory, mind. Gives hope...