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Scottish Independence

Scottish independence - Yes or No?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yes I've been aware of that for some time,which Is why I've been arguing for a progressive Labour party to join in a rainbow alliance with the SNP and other forces on the left eg the Greens and Liberals.

Just when we all thought it get no worse for Labour :winking:
So it turns out by voting Brexit we not only free ourselves from the financially doomed EU, we might save further billions by not having to fund Scotland.....Who's says us ordinary peoples vote wont count, I'm certainly getting fantastic value out of mine.

I couldn't have put it better myself, other than the £15 billion from the Barnett formula, think of all the revenue we could make on import duty (65% of all of Scotland's exports go to the rest of the Uk, only 15% go to the EU).

With Scotland being financially worse off than Greece, and having a £3 billion trade deficit (growing at a rate of £110 million a year) we would hold all the cards at the table.

Not to mention all the tens of thousands of additional jobs that would be created by companies and armed service bases moving down south of the border.

I see this new referendum as a "Win Win" for England, if they gain independence we save a fortune, and if they vote remain, surely it would be the end of that "Self appointed Queen of Scotland" & she will have to crawl back into what ever hole she came from.
Slip of the pen? :winking:

Nope I do mean ETA.

By the way I see your wonderful country are rounding up Catalan separatists and taking them to court in Madrid. So Sturgeons Spanish equivalent is charged with sedition. Any thoughts?
Nope I do mean ETA.

By the way I see your wonderful country are rounding up Catalan separatists and taking them to court in Madrid. So Sturgeons Spanish equivalent is charged with sedition. Any thoughts?

I do beg your humble.

Yes.I don't approve of Catalan nationalism (or separatism for that matter).

Nicola Sturgeon has embarked on a perfectly legal political process.The Catalans haven't.Check the 1978 Spanish constitution if you don't believe me.

Their first referendum was unlawful.
I do beg your humble.

Yes.I don't approve of Catalan nationalism (or separatism for that matter).

Nicola Sturgeon has embarked on a perfectly legal political process.The Catalans haven't.Check the 1978 Spanish constitution if you don't believe me.

Their first referendum was unlawful.

So its a case of do as I say but not what us Spanish do...... No further questions M'Lord

Edit: I am referring to the trial of Artur Mas, former Catalan president. For organising a non-binding referendum in 2014. He could face a 10 year ban from political office if convicted of "disobedience" and perverting the course of justice. Others are facing up to 8 years in prison.
So its a case of do as I say but not what us Spanish do...... No further questions M'Lord

Edit: I am referring to the trial of Artur Mas, former Catalan president. For organising a non-binding referendum in 2014
. He could face a 10 year ban from political office if convicted of "disobedience" and perverting the course of justice. Others are facing up to 8 years in prison.

Yes,I rather thought you were.Mas has, in fact, now been barred from taking political office for two years. (Incidentally,he's an "antiguo alumino" or old boy of the LFB -but before my or my wife's time there).

As I said check out the 1978 Spanish constitution.It expressly forbids the sort of actions that the Catalan nationalists are attempting.

Of course,I'd have no problem with them attempting to change the Spanish constitution legally, ie through a majority vote in the Spanish Parliament.
What amuses me about this thread is people throwing insults around like `sweaty jocks` and `Jimmy Krankie`- but they still want the Scots to stay in the union :stunned:
What amuses me about this thread is people throwing insults around like `sweaty jocks` and `Jimmy Krankie`- but they still want the Scots to stay in the union :stunned:

Odd isn't it? If people think a seperate Scotland will sink, then why deny them the vote to leave. My wife is sometimes sweaty, but that's only after a rigorous session on the cross trainer.
If the majority of Scots want to leave the union then I have no problem with that at all. As someone who considers themselves English rather than British, I have no strong feelings either way for Scotland or its people. I think leaving would be a big mistake for them, but if that's what they want...