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Scottish Independence

Scottish independence - Yes or No?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
The landscape has changed dramatically. Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain, so I completely agree on why they should go down the same route as England & Wales when they didn't want it. I wonder if NI will also push for it, if they're successful.

With a Scottish wife, I hope they get it and I can apply to keep the benefits that being part of the EU bring.

But they voted in 2014 knowing that there was a good chance of there being an EU referendum in the UK at some point in the near future.

According to opinion polls the majority of Scots are against a) another referendum and b) independence. As others have pointed out, they'd have to re-apply for EU membership if they left. They'll up the creek without a paddle.

Maybe it's just sour grapes because we destroyed them in the rugby again.
I'm not surprised she hasn't already demanded a replay of the match, as she wasn't happy with that result either.
First time around, I was in favour of Scotland staying a part of the union, this time around i'm in favour of them leaving.
Nicola Sturgeon has a strange definition of 'independence'. She wants to leave one political union so Scotland can stay in another one.

Yeah I thought the exact same thing!!

Scotland was of course told in the first referendum that they'd have to vote no to independence to remain in the EU.They were conned.

Spain would veto purely on the basis of stopping Catalonia from doing the same.

Catalonia can't have a legal referendum on independence unless they manage to change the 1978 Spanish constitution.
Scotland was of course told in the first referendum that they'd have to vote no to independence to remain in the EU.They were conned.

Catalonia can't have a legal referendum on independence unless they manage to change the 1978 Spanish constitution.

Conned by who? They majority voted to remain, the rest of the mainland voted majority leave. That isn't a con, its democracy.
The landscape has changed dramatically. Scotland voted overwhelmingly to remain, so I completely agree on why they should go down the same route as England & Wales when they didn't want it. I wonder if NI will also push for it, if they're successful.

With a Scottish wife, I hope they get it and I can apply to keep the benefits that being part of the EU bring.

You may have a massive shock if they do leave,I trust Scotland will no longer be claiming the Barnett formula hand out from English taxpayers circa 15 billion every year.
Let them have their vote. There are few polls I've seen that suggest Scotland want another referenfum, and none that predict victory for that obsessed little wretch, Sturgeon.

hopefully a second loss will see Jimmy Krankee resign or pipe down.
Conned by who? They majority voted to remain, the rest of the mainland voted majority leave. That isn't a con, its democracy.

A lot of people would have voted no to independence in the Scottish referendum on the basis that that was the best way to stay in the EU.That's the con.

Let them have their vote. There are few polls I've seen that suggest Scotland want another referenfum, and none that predict victory for that obsessed little wretch, Sturgeon.

hopefully a second loss will see Jimmy Krankee resign or pipe down.

I hope they get a second referendum too.The last three polls in Scotland come down to an almost 50/50 split on independence.My hunch is that the yes vote will only increase as more details of the Brexit deal emerge.Remember the Yes campaign started from a base of only 27% last time round.50% would appear to give them a much better chance.
utter tosh, Barna, utter tosh. The Scots voted no quite simply because they wanted to remain in the UK. The SNP lie and lie and lie and unfortunately ill informed people such as yourself swallow the lies whole.
utter tosh, Barna, utter tosh. The Scots voted no quite simply because they wanted to remain in the UK. The SNP lie and lie and lie and unfortunately ill informed people such as yourself swallow the lies whole.

I'm happy to be "Ill-informed". :winking: Comes from reading two daily papers a day+watching The Daily Politics,C4 News,Newsnight etc, when I can.:smile:
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Apparantly a lot of EU nationals voted to stay in the Union last time. Don't think they'll be so keen now do you?
So it turns out by voting Brexit we not only free ourselves from the financially doomed EU, we might save further billions by not having to fund Scotland.....Who's says us ordinary peoples vote wont count, I'm certainly getting fantastic value out of mine.
sadly the rUK would indeed be better off financially without Scotland. However we cannot let down the 55% who wanted to remain last time. If the Scots are stupid enough to vote for independence then my view is **** off.
A lot of people would have voted no to independence in the Scottish referendum on the basis that that was the best way to stay in the EU.That's the con.

I hope they get a second referendum too.The last three polls in Scotland come down to an almost 50/50 split on independence.My hunch is that the yes vote will only increase as more details of the Brexit deal emerge.Remember the Yes campaign started from a base of only 27% last time round.50% would appear to give them a much better chance.

Care to put your money where your mouth is, Barna? I am confident enough to bet whatever you like.... I'll even give you 2% swing on the vote (i.e. that if it is 51-49 in favour of remaining with the UK, you still win)
Care to put your money where your mouth is, Barna? I am confident enough to bet whatever you like.... I'll even give you 2% swing on the vote (i.e. that if it is 51-49 in favour of remaining with the UK, you still win)

The usual tenner to SZ,which the loser pays.

Have to admit I'm not so confident on this one so I'll snap up your 2% swing offer.Thanks.
The usual tenner to SZ,which the loser pays.

Have to admit I'm not so confident on this one so I'll snap up your 2% swing offer.Thanks.

You do realise that without the over represented Scottish 50 odd seats available, then Labour will never get back in power.
You do realise that without the over represented Scottish 50 odd seats available, then Labour will never get back in power.

Yes I've been aware of that for some time,which Is why I've been arguing for a progressive Labour party to join in a rainbow alliance with the SNP and other forces on the left eg the Greens and Liberals.