Tangled up in Blue
Certified Senior Citizen⭐🦐
The trouble is that a very small minority seem to believe in going even further than '68. I think these 'casseurs' are going to be properly confronted this weekend and for me there is a need to differentiate between those with genuine grievences, peacefully protesting and those whom are on the streets for far more sinister reasons.
Reversing the decision on tax cuts for the super rich may be a necessary action but the problem in this situation is that the people will want more and more. An increase in the SMIG, OK ........ but that will need to be paid for and is it going to help cut the high unemployment rates? I'm totally in agreement with you about the bankers who caused the crash (many IIUC are back in the same positions)...............put the bloody lot in jail, as I think they did in Iceland.
I'm not sure whether austerity has been as tough here as in the UK. For example teachers in the UK went without a pay rise for a number of years (6?). One wonders what reaction that would have brought about in France?
I've been 'emmerdé' by not being able to work in Toulouse this weekend, because of the threat from les gilets jaunes. Since the reconciliaton with my ex-wife, it no longer hurts me that much. Other brocanteurs are less fortunate and count on their fair in Toulouse to earn money before the holidays. Brocanteurs, I can assure you, are not amongst the super rich!
Having seen the French TV news earlier I'd agree that the "casseurs" will find life more difficult this Saturday than last. Also agree with your point about those peacefully protesting.
Thought it was interesting that on TF1 they estimated that about 40% of the protesters had voted FN in the last Presidential elections with 20% for Mélenchon and not suprisingly only 5% for Macron.