Ricky Otto
I think humour sometimes doesn't translate overly well and that's never more the case than French into English. The French are a weird sort and this type of satire, which is deep-rooted in French society and goes back centuries in various forms, doesn't always cross over well into our culture and language.
I try to come at this whole topic by thinking about what would have happened had this been an Islamist attack on the great modern satire of Anglo-American culture - South Park (and not Viz as Barna is claiming...). South Park have done everything that CB have done short of post-Danish Cartoon Saga depictions of Mohammed. They ridicule Jews every week, Christians most weeks, they've depicted Buddha doing drugs, they had our Queen blow her brains out, they take the **** of every race, colour and creed. If this had happened at South Park's offices would we be saying that it was their own fault? I wouldn't be.
I’d agree with this, I think, my limitedknowledge of CH doesn’t lend itself to an informed comparison but on the faceof what I’ve read this seems right. If South Park were to suffer such an attackand people were to say they brought it on themselves I would protest it, theonly reason I don’t with CH is my aforementioned limited knowledge. Everyonehas their own personal ideas on what is acceptable but for me South Park get itright, they do mock just about everyone but they are self aware and the kids(aside from Cartman) do act as a barometer of what is right and wrong and areusually the voice of reason in the end. Basically they take the p1ss but give aknowing nod that they know it’s not always the right thing, I don’t think thecreators are malicious at all, just see the funny side of being inappropriateand IMO it is very funny.