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Breaking News Pre-season Friendlies

IF (and it's a huge IF) the league let us play

We will most likely be 6-12 points adrift before "The New owners" can inject funds and sign players that will make a difference

Honestly... I feel like crying 😭
Assuming we don't get points deducted. We're getting relegated if this goes to August 23rd or kicked out. That's the reality
This postponement isn't a surprise. They haven't trained enough or got enough players. Simple as.
Even if we do start the season we are going to be so far behind in preperation
I feel for the players, especially the likes of Oli Coker and Jon Benton who's goals were to compete and break into the first team squad this season, having come through as kids with us. This should be a challenging and exciting start to their playing career ..... not what they are having to go through. Young players also need experienced players to feed off, but they don't have them around. Don't underestimate how difficult this can be for them. It's heartbreaking.
Absolute shambles and more local football team relationships damaged. Im sure the remaining players are all looking at other clubs now and honestly dont blame them at all.
I'm guessing the fact that they are under contract aswell, yes I know there's no money and it sounds like they haven't been paid or was paid late, that they probably feel why should they walk and be entitled to nothing when none of this is their fault, also part of it is they feel they are starting to build something and hang on to the fact it may get better. They deserve knighthoods tho as it stands, some teams I've seen are on about there 3rd or 4th pre season and are all improving and they literally can't do anything.
Its disgusting... I mean all of it, over many years has been bad.

But to just blame that on injured players when a) they havent trained b) if they were injured we havent paid a physio to fix them c) they havent been paid

And then for Billericay... to cancel it with hours notice.

I ... just cant with this club for much longer.
Point 1. That's bollocks.

Point 2. Yes.
Well -

It's a fact in football, players do get injuries, so that's why you have a squad.

But guess what - Ronnie boy has allowed that squad to vanish - so we don't have enough players to cover injuries.

And guess what else -

It's just a friendly, we're in even bigger brown stuff in 3 weeks when it matters!

Thank you oh thou great leader! 👍
Farsical and so sad to see our demise. This must have been known days ago surely the likes of Tom could have made a call to Billericay before today ! Sounds like our administration has gone out the window like a lot of things.
How Kev and Co are holding it together I dont know........
Jesus... official statement on our site says "due to injuries to contracted players"

Are they just taking us for absolute mugs at this point. Like proper taking the ****.
Quite possibly- but if we can't play trialists and can only play contracted players then the league are complicit in not allowing players to prepare properly for the season and risk injury. Whilst almost everything lies now at one persons door don't completely discount the leagues capacity for stupid decisions either..
I’m surprised they haven’t announced our next friendly game on Saturday 22nd July against Bishop’s Stortford isn’t going ahead either as Bishop’s Stortford according to their website are playing a friendly away at Haringey Borough.
Quite possibly- but if we can't play trialists and can only play contracted players then the league are complicit in not allowing players to prepare properly for the season and risk injury. Whilst almost everything lies now at one persons door don't completely discount the leagues capacity for stupid decisions either..
How are the league at fault ? They just make rules for all to follow. It's not their fault we're in this position !
I’m surprised they haven’t announced our next friendly game on Saturday 22nd July against Bishop’s Stortford isn’t going ahead either as Bishop’s Stortford according to their website are playing a friendly away at Haringey Borough.
They know it's not gonna happen, then. Just a shame a chairman wants to drip feed the info to us
How much more can Kev , Currie , Benno and the players have to endure before they just up sticks and walk away , i feel for all involved and of course the non playing staff too

In what other industry in the world would this happen and for the staff to stay this loyal
How are the league at fault ? They just make rules for all to follow. It's not their fault we're in this position !
If they restrict a club to a max 16 contracted players, refuse to let anyone else play (remember these are friendlies to get players fit not league games), then how do they expect a team to complete pre-season friendlies where players play 45 mins, then 60 mins per game to build up to fitness? And you will always have a player or two with injuries.

As you say its their rules, so if they don't make sense in certain circumstances then, because they are their rules, yes they the take some responsibility for the consequences. My view- but of course others are allowed.

Meanwhile no friendlies quite possibly