E for B and Billy Best
Is it a long haired Frank Lampard wearing number 3.
Yep, spot on.
I guess there wasn't any info with the photo about the match itself?
It has to be the Peterborough match, as this and the Scunthorpe match were the only two that had Clarky and Silkman both playing together on a Saturday afternoon and the picture doesn't equate to a September match and the oppo wouldn't have worn white, either.
Anyway, looking at that season, can anyone remember Terry Pryer?
I'd never heard of him, but he played one match, at home to Torquay!
Another very good one of the old South Bank. I could well be in that photo somewhere, as the quieter matches I went and stood on that great part of the ground.
Top research 'e for b'
I'd like to see that advert for the new stadium! .. Quality! :smile::thumbsup:
My team of researchers have concluded their findings and it can only be the Peterborough match and that, as you say, is Frank Lampard in the middle of that photo, though it still looks like a number 2 to me!
Bit more on that match the photo appears to be from.
It was Easter Saturday and the crowd was a whopping 1,687!
Bearing in mind we finished 9th in Division Three that season, it's an appalling effort.
Peterborough won 1-0!
Another very good one of the old South Bank. I could well be in that photo somewhere, as the quieter matches I went and stood on that great part of the ground.
Looking at the fact it has to be a Saturday game and most were Friday nights.
Also, looking at the players involved.
Plus the oppo kit.
I think it's Peterborough on 29th March 1986 or Scunthorpe on 14th September 1985, though I can't see why Scunthorpe would have changed their kit.
The hair!!!!