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It's not muddying waters, a couple of people are asking why he has met certain people.
I have said a few times that I am happy to agree to disagree but if it keeps being brought up on here then I will keep stating the opposite opinion. I'm happy for us all to move on to something else.

And you keep stating that he didn't know who these people were, and what their views were, which is plainly not the case. He has also been given the opportunity to distance himself from these people, but has decided to "reflect" on it. You are muddying the waters because you're making out these people are just Palestinians. Firstly they're not, and secondly they hold some pretty abhorrent racist views.
Corbyn has a pacifist start point in foreign affairs. Not one that I advocate myself but due to that his mindset and the fact that Israel bombs Palestine using weapons funded by the USA it is not surprising that he has met and had discussions with Palestinian organisations. Palestine also bombs Israel as we know as they have been at war for years. Due to the nature of the war some Palestinians will be anti Semitic - that is fairly inevitable. That doesn't mean Corbyn will shun all contact with them - the set up in the ME is too complex and important to be overlooked because of something that is a fairly inevitable consequence of two nations being at war - they will hate each other.

The quotes in this article state that anti Semitic views are not views that Corbyn holds.

The article names 5 people in the Labour Party that hold these views and they have been expelled.

The article says the problem 'may' be more widespread. If it is then those involved will have seen the results - expulsion.

So did he also meet with Israeli representatives?
So did he also meet with Israeli representatives?

This is the argument I used previously. If he was genuinely interested in peace (which most Palestinians and Israelis are) he would meet with both sides to ensure he had a balanced understanding of the very complex issues. He failed to do so, which speaks volumes about his real motive.

He did, however, finally meet with one Jewish (i.e. not Israeli) organisation in Feb, but that was years later...
This is the argument I used previously. If he was genuinely interested in peace (which most Palestinians and Israelis are) he would meet with both sides to ensure he had a balanced understanding of the very complex issues. He failed to do so, which speaks volumes about his real motive.

He did, however, finally meet with one Jewish (i.e. not Israeli) organisation in Feb, but that was years later...
He represents a North London constituency - he will be in contact with Jewish people constantly - mostly these are not newsworthy. There are Labour supporters who identify as Jewish Labour and have been out canvassing in the current elections.
He represents a North London constituency - he will be in contact with Jewish people constantly - mostly these are not newsworthy. There are Labour supporters who identify as Jewish Labour and have been out canvassing in the current elections.

So has he or hasn't he met any Israeli representatives...not Jewish...Israeli.
I'm not his PA, I know about the things the press want to bring to our attention, he has been in politics for many many years.

I never said you were....

Wouldn't it be better though both for Corbyn and your argument if he had met representatives from both sides?

The Press has brought to our attention that his 'friends' are racist....not that he had sat down with all sides in order to broker a peace deal....that is just pure fantasy on your part.
He represents a North London constituency - he will be in contact with Jewish people constantly - mostly these are not newsworthy. There are Labour supporters who identify as Jewish Labour and have been out canvassing in the current elections.

I think that misses the point. He hasn't met with any Israeli delegates. Also, there is a huge difference between bumping into a few Jews and actually having a meeting with them and discussing their views/concerns.

I've also just had a look at a map of his constituency. I'd be amazed if there are many Jews living there, and assuming there is would be wrong on your part. I did, however see a Corbyn St. Shame they couldn't spell Corduroy correctly...
Believe me, if he had there would be people such as the Guardian making sure people knew about it.
As a backbencher he would prioritise certain causes. The plight of the Palestinians is a cause that quite a lot of left wing activists embrace. Israel are backed and funded by the US so they aren't seen as needing a Labour back bench MP to fight their corner. That is basically the reasoning.
Jews in North London however will at times be subject to racism and a backbench Labour MP would be concern and assist in those situations. That is why London based Jews will have benefitted from the attention of Corbyn and Isreal based Jews won't.

There is nothing sinister in the way he operates. People can criticise some of the outcomes but for me the intention is the thing I would come back to.

Feel free to criticise his policies but in my mind I can see nothing that tarnishes his intention to be someone who tries to look out for those that need his support. The witch hunt around him is flawed. Maybe all the media ******** about national anthems and the height of a tie knot means criticism of him is hard to take seriously, but this feels like a variation on a theme.
I think that misses the point. He hasn't met with any Israeli delegates. Also, there is a huge difference between bumping into a few Jews and actually having a meeting with them and discussing their views/concerns.

I've also just had a look at a map of his constituency. I'd be amazed if there are many Jews living there, and assuming there is would be wrong on your part. I did, however see a Corbyn St. Shame they couldn't spell Corduroy correctly...

Not all jewish people live in Stamford Hill mate - that's a stupid thing to say IMO. Also, your arguments would be better served if you refrained from the childish Corduroy and Camronscum silliness.
As a backbencher he would prioritise certain causes. The plight of the Palestinians is a cause that quite a lot of left wing activists embrace. Israel are backed and funded by the US so they aren't seen as needing a Labour back bench MP to fight their corner. That is basically the reasoning.
Jews in North London however will at times be subject to racism and a backbench Labour MP would be concern and assist in those situations. That is why London based Jews will have benefitted from the attention of Corbyn and Isreal based Jews won't.

There is nothing sinister in the way he operates. People can criticise some of the outcomes but for me the intention is the thing I would come back to.

Feel free to criticise his policies but in my mind I can see nothing that tarnishes his intention to be someone who tries to look out for those that need his support. The witch hunt around him is flawed. Maybe all the media ******** about national anthems and the height of a tie knot means criticism of him is hard to take seriously, but this feels like a variation on a theme.

Perhaps they should be more concerned about the 1400 victims of abuse in Rotherham. The next town to be exposed is Sheffield.

Not a chance. You won't dare even mention the name Rotherham but of course Israel is full of Jews so that's ok for the outraged liberal left.

Try campaigning for people in your own country and you never know you might just stop another landslide in Blue.
Perhaps they should be more concerned about the 1400 victims of abuse in Rotherham. The next town to be exposed is Sheffield.

Not a chance. You won't dare even mention the name Rotherham but of course Israel is full of Jews so that's ok for the outraged liberal left.

Try campaigning for people in your own country and you never know you might just stop another landslide in Blue.
That's not how it works - people can be concerned for a variety of different people in a variety of different places in this country and the world, you can't pick one place and say that is the only one that matters.

Pretty much the rest of your post indicates you are jumping into the thread without reading any of it.
Callan and Londonblue have been arguing that Corbyn hasn't been showing concern for Israelis and you are now saying liberal left only care for Isrealis. It's hard enough to keep up with the tangents on this thread as it is without having you say the exact opposite of those I have been discussing this with - and then try to make out I am wrong. Maybe you can argue with them first as you are saying the complete opposite to them. That would be more efficient as I'm somewhere in the middle.

You also seem to have not listen to any of Corbyn's speeches in Parliament recently - steel workers, disabled, teachers, doctors - all based in the UK have been his recent themes and I don't recall him mentioning Isreal for quite some time.

I'm not keen on your debating style so I'll swerve a discussion with you on this but if you want to to make your point that the left love Isreal with the other two I'll be an interested bystander.

Oh, and a majority of 12 is not a landslide. The only recent landslide was for the SNP so if you are a fan of their's feel free to be smug.
That's not how it works - people can be concerned for a variety of different people in a variety of different places in this country and the world, you can't pick one place and say that is the only one that matters.

Pretty much the rest of your post indicates you are jumping into the thread without reading any of it.
Callan and Londonblue have been arguing that Corbyn hasn't been showing concern for Israelis and you are now saying liberal left only care for Isrealis. It's hard enough to keep up with the tangents on this thread as it is without having you say the exact opposite of those I have been discussing this with - and then try to make out I am wrong. Maybe you can argue with them first as you are saying the complete opposite to them. That would be more efficient as I'm somewhere in the middle.

You also seem to have not listen to any of Corbyn's speeches in Parliament recently - steel workers, disabled, teachers, doctors - all based in the UK have been his recent themes and I don't recall him mentioning Isreal for quite some time.

I'm not keen on your debating style so I'll swerve a discussion with you on this but if you want to to make your point that the left love Isreal with the other two I'll be an interested bystander.

Oh, and a majority of 12 is not a landslide. The only recent landslide was for the SNP so if you are a fan of their's feel free to be smug.

Perhaps that's how it should work?

MP's are elected to represent their constituents.

Perhaps if Labour MP's hadn't abandoned the white working class, they might be in office now?
That's not how it works - people can be concerned for a variety of different people in a variety of different places in this country and the world, you can't pick one place and say that is the only one that matters.

Pretty much the rest of your post indicates you are jumping into the thread without reading any of it.
Callan and Londonblue have been arguing that Corbyn hasn't been showing concern for Israelis and you are now saying liberal left only care for Isrealis. It's hard enough to keep up with the tangents on this thread as it is without having you say the exact opposite of those I have been discussing this with - and then try to make out I am wrong. Maybe you can argue with them first as you are saying the complete opposite to them. That would be more efficient as I'm somewhere in the middle.

You also seem to have not listen to any of Corbyn's speeches in Parliament recently - steel workers, disabled, teachers, doctors - all based in the UK have been his recent themes and I don't recall him mentioning Isreal for quite some time.

I'm not keen on your debating style so I'll swerve a discussion with you on this but if you want to to make your point that the left love Isreal with the other two I'll be an interested bystander.

Oh, and a majority of 12 is not a landslide. The only recent landslide was for the SNP so if you are a fan of their's feel free to be smug.

Interesting you mention Israel 4 times but cant mention Rotherham once.
Perhaps that's how it should work?

MP's are elected to represent their constituents.

Perhaps if Labour MP's hadn't abandoned the white working class, they might be in office now?
I don't know why you would get involved in someone else's attempt to divert the thread.
If an MP represents their constituents then for Corbyn that is Islington so I don't see where Rotherham comes into it.
'abandoned the white working class' - what like steel workers?
Seriously not interested in lowest common denominator discussions if that is what we are switching to.
Interesting you mention Israel 4 times but cant mention Rotherham once.
The discussion was about Israel. This thread is 1778 posts long and no one has mentioned Rotherham apart from you for many many posts if at all on this thread. If you want to search that was discussed at length on a specific thread and your input on this one was nothing to do with the discussions that were ongoing. Israel was the discussion so if you want to explain your 'Israel is full of Jews so that's ok for the outraged liberal left'. That is at least keeping within the boundaries of what was being discussed.
Not all jewish people live in Stamford Hill mate - that's a stupid thing to say IMO. Also, your arguments would be better served if you refrained from the childish Corduroy and Camronscum silliness.

Correct, but I doubt there are many in Islington. Most are in places further North.
As a backbencher he would prioritise certain causes. The plight of the Palestinians is a cause that quite a lot of left wing activists embrace. Israel are backed and funded by the US so they aren't seen as needing a Labour back bench MP to fight their corner. That is basically the reasoning.
Jews in North London however will at times be subject to racism and a backbench Labour MP would be concern and assist in those situations. That is why London based Jews will have benefitted from the attention of Corbyn and Isreal based Jews won't.

There is nothing sinister in the way he operates. People can criticise some of the outcomes but for me the intention is the thing I would come back to.

Feel free to criticise his policies but in my mind I can see nothing that tarnishes his intention to be someone who tries to look out for those that need his support. The witch hunt around him is flawed. Maybe all the media ******** about national anthems and the height of a tie knot means criticism of him is hard to take seriously, but this feels like a variation on a theme.

You know all that even though you claim not to be his PA.

I'm sorry, but if you want a balanced view you speak to both sides.

As I said before, this is the only reason I won't vote Labour. I have listened to Corduroy's other speeches, and as admirable as you may think them to be they pale into insignificance when compared to his tolerance of racists.
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