Another Surrey Shrimper
Life President
Don't let Peter anywhere near that wheelchair.Nice girl. She helped that girl in a wheelchair. Bit overfond of goats however.
Don't let Peter anywhere near that wheelchair.Nice girl. She helped that girl in a wheelchair. Bit overfond of goats however.
the positive discrimination subject was introduced on 4554 then discussed from that point onwards. I'm saying that using that as evidence of Abbott being racist is not valid and neither is the later suggestion that she is where she is because of that policy. If other posters hadn't made these points I wouldn't be discussing them. So - no, not twisting, just discussing points raised by others (I won't say who made the points as apparently that is something Pol Pot would do!)
Always open season for attacking Diane Abbott on here, no matter what the ostensible subject of the thread. The obsessive, pathological hatred expressed by some people would make for a fruitful analysis by the psychiatric profession, or maybe it's a bit less complicated than that.
1 Who did I slur this morning?So you have moved on from slurring other posters this morning to one of you 'straw man' arguments. You asked for prove of DA being racist because apparently you can't use Wikipedia.....Well now we have the truth why don't you comment on that.
Abbot is such a terrible racist that she chose all-white Tory Jonathon Aitken as her son's GodFather. String her up. :facepalm:
Farage is such a racist that he married a German. and then took a French lover the racist ******* string him up.:facepalm:
The evidence is plain to see on her wiki page.
Wiki, the last bastion of truth and enlightenment.
Anyone that has to cite Wikipedia to back uptheir case is on very shaky ground, although to be fair to them, they have banned the Daily Mail as a source of information.
Some bad hashtagging in there. #tacticasoldascolonialism
We also banned links from the Guardian....
Diane Abbott, the shadow health minister, has apologised after posting a Twitter comment about white people that led to her being accused of racism.
"I understand people have interpreted my comments as making generalisations about white people," Abbott, who stood for the Labour leadership in 2010, said. "I do not believe in doing that. I apologise for any offence caused."
I'm starting to think that possibly the reason Labour has issues with the subject of racism, anti Semitism etc is that it's supporters are unable concede there is a problem as they are too fixated blaming everyone else.
Anyone that has to cite Wikipedia to back uptheir case is on very shaky ground, although to be fair to them, they have banned the Daily Mail as a source of information.
Thats because its the first card they play in any discussion. Now when its pointed out they have a problem in their own party as we can see they become desperate and accuse any criticism of DA down to racism or misogyny. That's why we have never had a socialist government for 40 years and we ended up with Brexit.
So the last "socialist government" according to you was in the Wilson/Callaghan era ? :unsure:
Its an interesting concept that anyone would claim the Blair years as socialist.
Don't think anyone is.Certainly not me.Though according to Owen Jones on the Daily Politics earlier, TB claimed Marx as an influence.:hilarious:
4597 posts in and that's the most ludicrous statement so far!In which case Rigsby is correct?
You know what, bollocks to you. If that page is false then why hasn't she or one of her staff done something about it? **** it, if you or anyone else are so blinkered to the hard cold truth then what do I care. You keep speaking up for the racist anti british IRA supporting old bint, I hope you get your wish and I'll be front and centre when it comes back to bite you in the arse to take the **** straight back.
4597 posts in and that's the most ludicrous statement so far!