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If no Shrimpers, who would you support?

England I could care less about unless playing Germany, Italy or Argentina.
I'm too parochial for that, and less than certain some fans see it is an excuse to vent ultra-right tripe.
Note the Union flags at Yaxley's-Lennon's moron march last Saturday.
Scottish club is Dundee because it's the home of Oor Wullie,The Broons and the Beano. You've got to love a city that breathed life into those, especially as there is a bronze statue to Desperate Dan and Beryl in the centre! But watching them? They're a long way from here.
Maybe, Mousehole FC or Truro if the latter came back to these parts. Or the TV on occasion as per @RobB11
Now there’s an offer!

Been to La Rosaleda twice. Saw a 1-1 draw and a 4-1 win. In fact that last game was the penultimate game of the season (IIRC) before the playoffs when they were still in La Segunda.

Fantastic stadium, great fanbase & a beautiful city to match. I even made friends with some of El Frente Bokerón.

If you haven’t seen it, this thread on Zoner’s Foreign Football Experiences is worth a look :wink

Can just imagine you in one of those white and blue bucket hats, bottle of Victoria in hand, giving it "Malaga Hooligans" :Hilarious::LoyalSupporter:
Can just imagine you in one of those white and blue bucket hats, bottle of Victoria in hand, giving it "Malaga Hooligans" :Hilarious::LoyalSupporter:


They’re all quite docile I think. A bit like Palace, they like to put on a show, but I don’t think they’re very active. They’ve got a deep fear of Guardia Civil (and who can blame them). Those ****ers will gas you first and club you second… a bit like the Swiss old bill :Winking: :Winking:
I don't believe in 2nd teams so never had one, for 55 years it's been the mighty Blues 💙

I would probably go and watch Southend Manor, at least half the name is right 👍 it would never be the same of course and if it happened I would be 100% behind a phoenix club.
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No other club for me. The last few seasons, as RM dismantled the club, when I've left Roots Hall after a defeat it has hurt so bad, I couldn't even watch Saturday night football on tv. In fact it bollocksed me up for days after...a bear with a sore head doesn't even cover it. No other club could evoke those emotions in me and it is why I always despise the Martin family for destroying SUFC.
Support would never be the same of course... but I would certainly cheer on York City. Was the first game I ever saw live (in York) and they've been decent to us too.

Maybe I'd get back into Football Italia like back in the days!
44 years supporting home and away, 1000 + games. Have a soft spot for Everton through a family connection but otherwise there is Southend United and Southend United only. Been playing golf recently having not played for a number of years. Also playing was my son Ben and friends Paul and Ollie who we travel away with. We all agreed that if there was no SUFC then we wouldnt be able to bring ourselves to watch anyone else on a regular basis. Maybe a bit of ground hopping, but it cant and never would be the same as supporting SUFC. We did all agree that golf would be a decent alternative. But that is not something we want to become reality