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Game of Thrones Season 6

Sadly another meh episode. Few good bits with The Hound and Tyrion, but quite frankly the Arya "fight" was an insult to the show.

I think they get the balance just right. The slow burners only make the fireworks more spectacular when they go off. All the best rollercoasters have moments where the tensions/dramas build slowly.
Now, I know the actor (Rory McCann) is Scottish, but is it just me, or is The Hound sounding more Scottish?
Now, I know the actor (Rory McCann) is Scottish, but is it just me, or is The Hound sounding more Scottish?

Haha, possibly. Love him, but he's no Marlon Brando!

It's like Littlefinger, his accent drifts into full on Oirish at times.
Episode 9. Wow.

That battle was simply....amazing, I loved the strategy aspect of it as well, the way Jon got sucked into Ramsey's trap and that sequence when they were all surrounded. When Jon was getting trampled....started to fear the worst but the end payoff at Winterfell was ultimately very satisfying.
Episode 9. Wow.

That battle was simply....amazing, I loved the strategy aspect of it as well, the way Jon got sucked into Ramsey's trap and that sequence when they were all surrounded. When Jon was getting trampled....started to fear the worst but the end payoff at Winterfell was ultimately very satisfying.

The battle was good, the first part of it especially when it was just focussed on Jon Snow, brilliantly done.
However the tactics of the battle itself were rubbish, the way the Stark army just managed to get itself stuck in a big circle and the Bolton army managed to manouvre around the dead body wall to encircle them was daft.

Other than that mild annoyance was very good, add to that the dragons and one of the best episodes there has been.
RIP Ramsey. A shame because there aren't many pure villains left. He went in a fitting way though!

Also what was Sansa playing at?!
RIP Ramsey. A shame because there aren't many pure villains left. He went in a fitting way though!

Also what was Sansa playing at?!

I have a feeling that she's going to make a play to be Queen of the North, with Littlefinger's help. It was a very "sisters doing it for themselves" episode.
Good fun. Excellent battle scene although in terms of drama, for me it didn't quite match Blackwater or the Battle of Castle Black. We all knew Jon Snow was going to come through this time, right?

Daenerys and Yara Greyjoy seem to like each other, eh?
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Good fun. Excellent battle scene although for me it didn't quite match Blackwater or the Battle of Castle Black. We all knew Jon Snow was going to come through this time, right?

Daenerys and Asha Greyjoy seem to like each other, eh?

Hardhome is still the best episode, IMO.

Loved the battle scene, never seen one filmed like it. The brutality of the horses smashing into each other at such speed! Big mention to the Giant, what a hard b'stard he was! Also RIP Ramsey, great villain, need someone to step up like he did after Joffrey now.
Loved the battle scene, never seen one filmed like it. The brutality of the horses smashing into each other at such speed! Big mention to the Giant, what a hard b'stard he was! Also RIP Ramsey, great villain, need someone to step up like he did after Joffrey now.

I think S7 will have to focus on the White Walkers. They're the ultimate threat to everyone, regardless of Houses, Kings and Queens. Only 9 episodes to wrap it all up.
two more seasons after this one, chaps. The rumour is that they'll be shorter, with 13 episodes in total.
It seems like there's an awful lot to squeeze in 13 episodes.

Depends what the story is. Things have the potential to move quite quickly. Dany is 'almost' on some ships. Jon has gained most of the north, Kings Landing could implode, and the white walkers are coming...
Loved the battle scene, never seen one filmed like it. The brutality of the horses smashing into each other at such speed! Big mention to the Giant, what a hard b'stard he was! Also RIP Ramsey, great villain, need someone to step up like he did after Joffrey now.
Have to give credit to the Welsh actor who played Ramsay, he played him very well. On of the most evil sadistic characters in TV history.
Have to give credit to the Welsh actor who played Ramsay, he played him very well. On of the most evil sadistic characters in TV history.

Yep and anyone who watched misfits will know it was quite a different character to Simon, the guy has a diverse range