Fredy Eastwood wants to sign, will be training with them,watch this space.:smile::footballer:
Wee Birdie prefix for genuine wee birdie news please!!!!
I just hope for your sake chemico this pans out, people in these ere parts dont take kindly to birdie impersonations:witch Hunt:
I just hope for your sake chemico this pans out, people in these ere parts dont take kindly to birdie impersonations:witch Hunt:
excuse me if I don't read too much into this. Are you Mohsni's agent yet?
Fredy Eastwood wants to sign, will be training with them,watch this space.:smile::footballer:
Fredy Eastwood wants to sign, will be training with them,watch this space.:smile::footballer:
We all wont Freddy to sign dont we ive gave you all my honest opinion of whot i know. Where did this wee birdie thing come from any way i only know horses mouth.
We all wont Freddy to sign dont we ive gave you all my honest opinion of whot i know. Where did this wee birdie thing come from any way i only know horses mouth.