MK Shrimper
Annihilation - freaky sci-fi available on Netflix. A bit slow sometimes, but when it gets going it's worth the wait. Acidddddddddd!
Annihilation - freaky sci-fi available on Netflix. A bit slow sometimes, but when it gets going it's worth the wait. Acidddddddddd!
I quite liked it -as did everyone I've spoken to about it.Was certainly short though -at 1 hour +10 mins IIRC.
Edit.I was talking about The Party.Looks like I "replied " to the wrong post.:facepalm:
:hilarious: Donut!
Probably disagree about my review of Death Of Stalin. Didn't get it at all.
Will be seeing that later this week.Must admit I have a few misgivings, after seeing the trailer a couple of times.Looks very much like American style humour to me,which personally doesn't float my boat at all .be nice to see Michael Palin though,I hope.
Anyone seen The Invisible Thread which I'm off to tomorrow?
Not at all American, it's very slapstick to be truthful. I think it'll be your thing.
The Death of Stalin.Funny.Helps if you know the period I think.
Told you. You're not that old!