Nobody seen the new Blade Runner sequel (or hasn't that opened in the UK yet)?
Been here since Friday.
It opened on Friday here in the UK too. I've got IMAX tickets booked for this friday.
Nobody seen the new Blade Runner sequel (or hasn't that opened in the UK yet)?
Been here since Friday.
Nobody seen the new Blade Runner sequel (or hasn't that opened in the UK yet)?
Been here since Friday.
Yeah same here. As I said in the "hacking off thread" I was really excited by apparently it's nearly 3hrs long and moves at a snails pace, so I'm slightly put off.
especially as I'm a massive Denis Villeneuve fan.
Nobody seen the new Blade Runner sequel (or hasn't that opened in the UK yet)?
Been here since Friday.
Surely if you want to see the new one it's because you've seen the original and know it's a slow burn but worth investing the time and patience. Rewatched the original on Saturday - such a masterpiece and the visuals are still jawdropping. Can't wait to see the new one, especially as I'm a massive Denis Villeneuve fan.
Baby Driver. 5/10.
John Hamm was really badly miscast.
I thought it was mediocre.
Stylish, but thats about it.
The whole storyline about the remixes made from taped conversations was just ridiculous.
And John Hamm made a poor criminal/tough guy.
He wouldn't last thirty seconds in the Sutton Arms.
Saw the Blade Runner sequel yesterday.As others have said, it's not a patch on Ridley Scott's brillant original, though it is beautifully shot.Still it will appeal to the popcorn & coke brigade.
Having watched both fairly close together I cannot pick a preference for one over the other. Both very enjoyable films. 2049 was far better than I expected.
TUIB, the Woody is my husband's local and yes it's still going strong, recently refurbished :thumbsup:Ha! Next you'll tell me the Choppers (ie Woodcutters) is still going strong too.