Rusty Shackleford
Lego Batman - top notch stuff 9/10
Arrival. Just stunning, film of the year. 10/10
Interesting but not 10/10 - 8/10 for me
Didn't think it was THAT bad but certainly seemed to be a victim of its own hype that I was expecting a lot more. As you say, he start was very odd and had no real connection to anything that followed.La La Land
Took my Mum and niece, yesterday, as they like musical, fantasy, romance style films and so I thought it would fit the bill.
Now, where to start with this. The opening scene bears no relation to the movie at all, other than to point out it's a musical. But is it, really. Is it anything at all? .. It's trying to be about three different things rolled into one to become a "masterpiece" but for that it needs great singing, great dancing, great script-writing and great feeling. It has none of those things and to rate it alongside the classics of "Singin' in the Rain" and the extraordinary "West Side Story" is laughable.
Don't get me wrong. The storyline is good. Some of the scenes really work and the last 20 minutes is worth seeing and easily the best part of the film. But you never feel associated with the characters. Considering there's only really Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone in it, there's no empathy with them at all, save a couple of very good scenes.
So what is it? .. It's not a family film, as there's no children cast in it. It's not a musical of any quality, due to the average singing and dreadful songs. It's not a romantic film, as there's no depth to the relationship. It's not a great cinematography classic, either. It's a messy mish-mash, designed to win a few Hollywood votes.
All in all, it's fun and reasonably enjoyable, if you don't scratch the surface. But Oscar standard? .. No way, for me.
Horace Ové's Pressure.Dated but worthy 1975 take on Black London.
It wasn't that black in London back in 1975. More overcast I'd say.
Ha! Depends where you were,mon.:winking: