Rose Tinted Brigade Member⭐⭐🦐
BATTY SHRIMPERS v Baggys Slackers
And that's the end of the match. BATTY SHRIMPERS won by 178 runs.
Good win for my boys
Edit - Schoeman's undefeated 133 runs in the match, probably the difference, particularly in the 1st innings partnership of 92 for the 7th wicket. Elite Conc a big help ??
And that's the end of the match. BATTY SHRIMPERS won by 178 runs.
Good win for my boys
Edit - Schoeman's undefeated 133 runs in the match, probably the difference, particularly in the 1st innings partnership of 92 for the 7th wicket. Elite Conc a big help ??
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