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I am a generally calm, tolerant man (yes Davros, perhaps not on a football pitch...), but that disgusting claret and blue concoction makes my stomach turn every time I catch even the faintest glimpse.

The fact that you only ever see West Ham flags draped from the top of the ****test Council blocks in and around Essex probably says a lot.

Perversely, having gone to school in Brentwood, a majority of my old friends are Hamsters and are thoroughly decent, honest, intelligent individuals - however, as soon as they start talking about football, they start spouting the usual carp about their being the 'Academy' of football, producing the best youngsters that ever lived (such Camp Nou standard youngsters as Anwar Uddin, Terrell Forbes, Billy Mehmet and Zavon Hines.......the list of rubbish goes on).
Then there are the delusions of the spread of their support - now that they have all but won the long-term tenancy of the Olympic Stadium (what a shameful waste), all of the fans I have had the misfortune of speaking to genuinely, sincerely, believe that they will 'easily' be able to sell 60,000 tickets on a regular basis - when you are selling £5 tickets, then yes, even a family of 12 living on benefits can afford to make it to a Premier League match.

Yes, Orient and Cull Ewe are our natural footballing rivals, but I am afraid I will never be able to even consider liking or accepting West Ham as long as I live.

This is without even mentioning the underhand practice of opening Club Shops in and around areas which already house provincial league clubs. Even more disgusting, when you remember that we were, both financially and footballing-wise, on our knees during the period when they opened the shop.

Another reason for loathing wet sham and all things "premier" is why do they all have to venture into neighbouring counties/towns with their "summer soccer schools" ?? Blatent attempts to brainwash small children to the church of the premier leaguechampionship.

Corrected for accuracy.
The fact that I get West Ham fans referring to this friendly as 'our cup final' is all the display of arrogance I need to continue my hatred of them.
IMO Orient, Gillingham,Col Ewe ect are our rivals. I love it when we beat them but dont hate their supporters. They are the same as us, a small club. Their supporters are not glory hunters following a team in the premier league. They support their local team.
Born and brought up in Southend, for many years I have heard so many times "How can you go to Roots hall and watch that crap," the last time was my wet spam supporting neighbour just a few weeks ago after their playoff win. (yes he watched it on sky) wot they dont understand is its not all crap football. Look at the players we have had over the years, Stanley Victor, Mike Marsh, Richard Caddette, Jonathan Hunt, Kevin Maher, Billy Best, Ricky Otto, Sammy in goal, Sir Chrissy Powell ect ect. I have loved the past 40 odd years following MY TEAM. I dont want some bubble blowing skinheaded nethandatal with a funny walk smelling of Jellied Eel's with half their Pie Mash and Liquer down their moody replicer shirt they bought on North Weald Market for a fiver, 5 years ago, telling me to go to upton park to watch the best football in the land. I dont want my kids being coached by their ex players at a local southend school. I dont want to see people with wet spam shirts on, going to watch Southend. Let them have some respect. And as for that club shop they had in OUR high street. GRRR.
My job takes me all over the place. When people ask me which football team I support and I say Southend, the usuall reply is, no which propper team do you follow in the Prem. My reply is always the same. I support whoever West Ham are playing.

Here are my top 10 reasons for hating the scum from East London.
10- Their owners.
9-The way that beached Whale Moose goes on about them on Talk Sport. ( I switch program when he's on)
8-How every supporter of a certain age was in the ICF.
7-The stupid bubbles song.
6-How they won the world cup in 66.
5-Their arrogant fans who think they are the English Barca, when they are a yo yo feeder club for Chelsea n Spurs.
4-Kid's training in Southend district schools.
3-Their flyer's promoting their games being delivered all over town.
2-The way they think they should get the Olympic stadium for next to nothing. (If they do its probable the end of Orient!)
Really enjoyed reading the comments on this thread and agree with almost all of them. Nice to know that the majority of Blues fans have the same opinion about the claret and blue that we hate to see paraded about our town. I read a few years ago that they have the smallest amount of season-ticket holders in the premiership that actually live in the area in which the club plays. I hope they get to use the Olympic stadium which at least will keep them in East London and stop the possibility of them building a stadium in Essex. Orient often mention this possibility due to the migration of their fans out of East London. If the Hammers ever moved near to our patch that could mean disaster for us and our potential.
Do you think the hardcore Asian football fans think the same since Manchester United have infiltrated their brand into Asia? That must be more painful to them than one West Ham shop is to Southend?

Where there is demand there will in the not too distant future be supply.
My 10 year old son sums up their fans succinctly enough as he dons a Ray Winstone voice/accent and says "yeah West Ham I'm a tuff bloke"
Really enjoyed reading the comments on this thread and agree with almost all of them. Nice to know that the majority of Blues fans have the same opinion about the claret and blue that we hate to see paraded about our town. I read a few years ago that they have the smallest amount of season-ticket holders in the premiership that actually live in the area in which the club plays. I hope they get to use the Olympic stadium which at least will keep them in East London and stop the possibility of them building a stadium in Essex. Orient often mention this possibility due to the migration of their fans out of East London. If the Hammers ever moved near to our patch that could mean disaster for us and our potential.

I can believe that since all of East London has been taken over by other communities. You can bet your bottom dollar that pretty all of the new generation of fans have parents who lived in the area and the older generation that are in Essex used to live in the area though. Quite simply put, just because the world changes doesn't mean your football team allegiance will change.
The fact that I get West Ham fans referring to this friendly as 'our cup final' is all the display of arrogance I need to continue my hatred of them.

This thread kind of adds fuel to the fire doesn't it! It's quite clear that Southend fans have a dislike to West Ham but they don't give two hoots about Southend.
This is without even mentioning the underhand practice of opening Club Shops in and around areas which already house provincial league clubs. Even more disgusting, when you remember that we were, both financially and footballing-wise, on our knees during the period when they opened the shop.


West Ham also opened a club shop in Lakeside and Romford, 2 towns which do not have a professional football team. At which point do you declare that opening a club shop in a certain area plays a signficant part in impacting your own club's revenue? West Ham would probably argue that there is no rivalry with Southend. In schools, kids see their mates supporting premier league clubs and so they follow. Yes, a club shop in Southend would also help to ensure that maybe West Ham do grow their presence in Southend but ultimately most kids end up supporting a prem club anyway. Could a non-league club from Romford or Lakeside area turn around and have a moan up because West Ham put a club shop in their area or is this too insignificant? If so, why? Do you think clubs should only be allowed to open shops in the town of their location?
Despise their fans with a passion. In terms of footballing rivalry, obviously Colchester and Orient are our main rivals but in terms of fans I hate West Ham the most. I don't like to tar whole groups with the same brush but in the case of West Ham, most of them are shaven-headed, overweight, neanderthal, chav scum. Most of the reasons have been mentioned already - deluded, arrogant, "we won the World Cup" (no you didn't), only have one song, owners. There's always problems when we play them. Their fans are never happy. Last season they were top or second for most of the season but still complained about their style of football (the "West Ham way", pfft) and some even wanted the manager out. They seem to force out every manager they have and think they should be challenging for the Champions League every season when in reality, they're a yo-yo team and have been for a long time. People say they have good support - no they don't they just have one song, numbers and a billy big attitude. Saying that, I'd rather they support West Ham than Man U or Arsenal and so on, and I accept that a lot of them live in Essex now that East London has been taken over by immigrants.

You might not like to tar a brush but that is exactly what you have just done. Is this based on fiction or have you been reading to many ICF books.

The best point you make is - 'there fans are never happy'

Come on ... When are football fans ever happy??!!?? :hilarious: Return of the Freddy :Worthy: We are either constantly peed off or we are absolutely delirious!! Happy - No.
West Ham also opened a club shop in Lakeside and Romford, 2 towns which do not have a professional football team. At which point do you declare that opening a club shop in a certain area plays a signficant part in impacting your own club's revenue? West Ham would probably argue that there is no rivalry with Southend. In schools, kids see their mates supporting premier league clubs and so they follow. Yes, a club shop in Southend would also help to ensure that maybe West Ham do grow their presence in Southend but ultimately most kids end up supporting a prem club anyway. Could a non-league club from Romford or Lakeside area turn around and have a moan up because West Ham put a club shop in their area or is this too insignificant? If so, why? Do you think clubs should only be allowed to open shops in the town of their location?

Is Lakeside a town? I'd say that Chafford & Romford are well within the catchment area of West Ham and therefore they may well be within their rights to open shops there. I'd say that opening a club shop in a town that supports a fellow Football League club is wrong. It's very much akin to Charlton laying on free transport for those in the Medway areas which got Gillingham fans (rightly) irate.
I don't have any problem with WHU (or their fans)now they've closed down that club shop in Southend High Street.That used to annoy the help out of me.
Is Lakeside a town? I'd say that Chafford & Romford are well within the catchment area of West Ham and therefore they may well be within their rights to open shops there. I'd say that opening a club shop in a town that supports a fellow Football League club is wrong. It's very much akin to Charlton laying on free transport for those in the Medway areas which got Gillingham fans (rightly) irate.

Interesting opinion. Why make the difference between Football League and Non-Football League though when I am sure many Non-League fans are just as passionate about their club and would also be irate at the introduction of a Premier League's club shop in their town?

Both Football League and Non-League club's operate as a business. So both would be effected. Is it because most non-league clubs have less fans and therefore you are upsetting a smaller population?

West Ham also had a club shop in Asda at Basildon Town Centre. So, would Basildon United stakeholders be disappointed? Would Southend United stakeholders be disappointed? Basildon is very much in the middle in terms of travel distance on a clear run to both grounds.

If we agree that having a club shop in a certain town in close proximity to another club is wrong then what do we think about stadium moves. A club moves its home and all of a sudden they are in a new location taking in new people and nearer/further away to clubs they were previously close to. I agree it will leave a sour taste in your mouth like it clearly has with many fans on here but I don't think that is reason to hate a club when it's quite clearly good business acumen. What is stopping Southend setting up a club shop in East London or wherever they choose - Nothing. Sadly, we don't have the money to do that but if we did then we could do it. I don't think you would write to the club and ask why they were opening a club shop if it showed good intention to expand its fanbase.
I feel a VOTE should be added to this thread Moderators. To find out if wet sham are the most hated club with our supporters.To include Col ewe, Borient,Gill's ect. I would also include MK franchise.I would do it but don't know how.
Interesting opinion. Why make the difference between Football League and Non-Football League though when I am sure many Non-League fans are just as passionate about their club and would also be irate at the introduction of a Premier League's club shop in their town?

Both Football League and Non-League club's operate as a business. So both would be effected. Is it because most non-league clubs have less fans and therefore you are upsetting a smaller population?

West Ham also had a club shop in Asda at Basildon Town Centre. So, would Basildon United stakeholders be disappointed? Would Southend United stakeholders be disappointed? Basildon is very much in the middle in terms of travel distance on a clear run to both grounds.

If we agree that having a club shop in a certain town in close proximity to another club is wrong then what do we think about stadium moves. A club moves its home and all of a sudden they are in a new location taking in new people and nearer/further away to clubs they were previously close to. I agree it will leave a sour taste in your mouth like it clearly has with many fans on here but I don't think that is reason to hate a club when it's quite clearly good business acumen. What is stopping Southend setting up a club shop in East London or wherever they choose - Nothing. Sadly, we don't have the money to do that but if we did then we could do it. I don't think you would write to the club and ask why they were opening a club shop if it showed good intention to expand its fanbase.

I agree. I'm all for Tesco getting rid of those fiddly village shops as well. And property companies bulldozing green belt.
dont roll up at our ground and behave like arseholes because thats how you will be treated.

...and that's why they annoy so many!!!

I think in terms of football rivals then they're clearly not - I much prefer to save my dislike for Col U and Orient. I think that any ill feeling towards West Ham stems from they're 'fans' giving it plenty in around so many of Essex towns at any given opportunity.
Also, whenever we play them at Roots Hall they always flood the home area because of their sheer arrogance that we're just a little team and they can do what they want. Hate that.
All that said, a couple of good mates of mine are West Ham fans and are pretty realistic about their team and always wish us to do well. (one wanted to come tomorrow and said he's sit with me and my brother but that wasn't ever gonna happen!)