Another Surrey Shrimper
Life President
No doubt many are due to supply issues with PPE and testing.Lets hope the emergency services don't all go off en masse or we will be in trouble.
No doubt many are due to supply issues with PPE and testing.Lets hope the emergency services don't all go off en masse or we will be in trouble.
As Ricey said above, this has nothing to do with Coronavirus so carry on if you really have to via PM. Time to move on. Again.Yes thats on about page 3 or 4 of google. Fails to mention the content of his 70 hours of taped recordings......The ones that prove the FBI knew all about the planned 1993 bomb plot.
Originally the y were going to tie up any lose ends by convicting Mr Salem of being one of the bombers. He was one step ahead and had recorded all his calls from his FBI handlers......Which saved him.
Also very worrying the stats coming out of Germany in the last couple of days....they're are still struggling to get it under control with a much stronger testing system and better equipped ICU numbers.Disease modellers and epidemiologists are worried about a second peak because there are still a large number of people who haven’t been infected and therefore are susceptible. So if restrictions reduce but don’t eradicate the virus in our population then when they are lifted transmission can happen again. This is a very real threat based on data, models and experiences with other infectious diseases
I’d take the model by IHME reported in the guardian with a big pinch of salt, there are a number of significant issues with it.
Yes sadly I think it was inevitable that the mortality rate in Germany would pick up, although they have done a good job in testing and are relatively well equipped. There is a point where testing has diminishing impact on the ability to slow transmission and like us they're a couple of weeks into lockdown. Hopefully, their peak will at a daily mortality rate lower than ours already is, mainly because they locked down earlier into their situation that we did. But it remains to be seen.Also very worrying the stats coming out of Germany in the last couple of days....they're are still struggling to get it under control with a much stronger testing system and better equipped ICU numbers.
Any sign of the lock down in Spain coming to an end soonsoon?.Logically ,since the methodology behind the study isn't explainesd in the article.
Anecdotal I know but my brother -in-law (a senior industrial chemist in a leading French pharmaceutal company) mentioned to my wife a fortnight ago, that he expected the UK's final death figures to overtake the rest of Europe's (presumably after tracking the comparative stats).
BTW I'm fully aware that this sort of stuff isn't very helpful.
It was only a week or so ago that an American friend of my wife's emailed her to commiserate on Spain being top of the tops and "how hard it must be to live in Barcelona atm" just before the USA's (predictable) own spike in infecions and deaths.
Any sign of the lock down in Spain coming to an end soonsoon?.
Will be interesting to see who goes first in Europe .Economics over people's lives will come into play shortly.Meanwhile the Swedish model will give some pointers too for all the so called experts
not just geographically - Sweden has the highest number of single households in the world, and given it is a more equitable country than many there isn't as much overcrowding in housing and fewer people in poverty who are most at risk of transmission. Also the people just aren't as sociable as Mediterranean Europe.I've never been to Sweden but unlike the UK, I'd imagine some areas are very remote, especially in the north of the country. I'd don't think Nordic countries are a good indication for the rest of Europe where people are not so distant from each other.
Cases in Portgual appeared to happen a few weeks after they appeared in Spain, which isn't unusual. It takes a few superspreaders for the virus to really take hold in a country. So they had the ability to preemptively introduce lockdown policies (I'm not an expert on Portgual but think they locked down around the same time as the UK). They knew what was likely to happen based on other countries and acted upon it quickly. They didn't sit around twiddling their thumbs like other countries...Why have Portugal reported less than 400 deaths but Spain are at about 15,000
I work with a disease modeller who lives near Malmo (so pretty isolated in UK terms but metropolitan for Sweden) and when he heard about the potential lockdown he moved up to his summer house (which is very common for wealthy 'city dwellers') which is completely in the middle of nowhere. So they're a country quite used to social isolation and he's used to spending months out in the wild not really bumping into people.
Sounds quite good to me!
I'm sorry but even if you do move to Belfairs Woods, your mobile phone signal will cause coronavirus.I'm thinking of moving to Belfairs Woods. Someone can text me when it's all over.
Went Tuesday late morning, no queue - far too many people inside, including some couples. On our Next Door community group, a few people had posted that Morrisons seemed to have relaxed things, and that the manager in there was asked why and basically didn't seem to care.
I heard that the copper in coins kills the virus? How much copper is in anything bar a 1p & 2p is another matter.
Population density isn't the only factor, as I'm sure you understand. Spread from Wuhan to high-income countries has occurred due to high amounts of international and national travel.Cant be spread because of close living. Bangladesh has a population of 164m but has had less deaths than Luxembourg.
It probably helps that their total population is around 10 million, whereas the Spanish population is 46+million.Cases in Portgual appeared to happen a few weeks after they appeared in Spain, which isn't unusual. It takes a few superspreaders for the virus to really take hold in a country. So they had the ability to preemptively introduce lockdown policies (I'm not an expert on Portgual but think they locked down around the same time as the UK). They knew what was likely to happen based on other countries and acted upon it quickly. They didn't sit around twiddling their thumbs like other countries...![]()
I've heard that the virus can stay
active on plastic bank notes for a couple of weeks, especially the higher denominations. Just as a precaution I've set up a PO Box for you all to send your £20 notes. I'll dispose of them safely for you.
PM me and I'll let you have the PO Box details.
You are a Nigerian prince and I claim my 2,280.90 NGNI've heard that the virus can stay active on plastic bank notes for a couple of weeks, especially the higher denominations. Just as a precaution I've set up a PO Box for you all to send your £20 notes. I'll dispose of them safely for you.
PM me and I'll let you have the PO Box details.