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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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Apparantly it can live on paper for 9 days. I think the postal service will be another to bite the dust soon.

No, that was metal, glass and plastic, under the right conditions. On a radio phone in, post was mentioned, and the expert said it can't survive by the time it reaches you. He did warn tho that you have to rely on your postie not passing it on to you.
Just been looking at Flight Radar, when you normally zoom out to view the whole country it is covered in flights. Now the skies are very empty!
So I got told by ASDA Shoebury that I have to order my repeat prescriptions direct from the doctor from last month. I have been trying to contact the doctor's surgery all day Friday and all this morning, with no luck as always engaged. Tried about 300 times. Can't go in person as they sent a text to say don't go in person. Cant order online as need to speak to surgery by phone, as they register you online. Now been sent a text saying the Doctor's surgery may close in the next few days due to the virus.
They have just been talking about the packed trains on the BBC news.
Apparently lots of construction workers and other self employed workers using the services as they have to carry on working due to little help from the Government. Will be interesting to see the response from the Gov.
Just been looking at Flight Radar, when you normally zoom out to view the whole country it is covered in flights. Now the skies are very empty!

There is going to be some interesting data on emissions and air quality at the end of this and the difference some lifestyle adjustments could make to the planet. Maybe we will learn some lessons ? Unless of course climate change is a load of made up bollox and fake news.
They have just been talking about the packed trains on the BBC news.
Apparently lots of construction workers and other self employed workers using the services as they have to carry on working due to little help from the Government. Will be interesting to see the response from the Gov.

The self employed have been offered very little support by The Government which is why many have to continue working.
Yet another idiotic email earlier today from the Sainsburys CEO.....

"An increasing number of you have told me that you're not always able to get the items that you need when you need them. We are working with our suppliers to get even more stock of essential items and we are adding warehouse capacity on a daily basis. You will have seen that we put restrictions in place this week to ensure that more products are on shelf for longer."

Doesn't seem to (or won't?) grasp the fact that their ;restrictions' are just not working !
The self employed have been offered very little support by The Government which is why many have to continue working.

Unfortunately the govt probably view that anyone self-unemployed cannot provide proof of income they might / might not have been earning hence cannot pay out 80pct against a hypothetical amount. Not saying it's a right and proper procedure, though can imagine there are some scummy folk who would exploit the situation.
They have just been talking about the packed trains on the BBC news.
Apparently lots of construction workers and other self employed workers using the services as they have to carry on working due to little help from the Government. Will be interesting to see the response from the Gov.
Fining train companies for deliberately reducing the number of carriages (if there's evidence of overcrowding as a result) would be a start.
Nicola Sturgeon press conference on now advising all non essential shops/companies to close in Scotland. She said that building sites should stop work. Boris usually repeats the same thing for England later on.
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Fining train companies for deliberately reducing the number of carriages (if there's evidence of overcrowding as a result) would be a start.
As of this morning, in essence, the train companies don't exist anymore. It's now the Government's show as they are bank-rolling it and covering operating costs, etc., similar to the London Overground model. I wouldn't be surprised to see them all back in some form of nationalisation at the end of all this.
Private companies running franchises seems to work well until the brown stuff hits the rotating objects...
Our neighbour's son works on delivery for a nationwide electrical chain. He had to deliver a freezer in Bethnal Green and whilst he was unloading three men approached him and offered him £300 cash to look the other way whist they took one off of his truck. He told them to jog on as all the stuff on board had been paid for by customers. Not going to be easy deliverying goods in future it seems.
Our neighbour's son works on delivery for a nationwide electrical chain. He had to deliver a freezer in Bethnal Green and whilst he was unloading three men approached him and offered him £300 cash to look the other way whist they took one off of his truck. He told them to jog on as all the stuff on board had been paid for by customers. Not going to be easy deliverying goods in future it seems.

I joked the other day about hi jacking the Tesco home delivery van , but I’m seriously fearing for these drivers now
I joked the other day about hi jacking the Tesco home delivery van , but I’m seriously fearing for these drivers now

over in Hull a delivery van was robbed, it feels like we need to go into lockdown to help prevent looting taking place
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