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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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Have you seen the pictures of UK social distancing against Italy's social distancing.
Even the so called NHS hour at Tesco there was no social distancing in the queue.
Adventure Island boss, Phillip Miller has caused a big ongoing row on social media. He's playing down the virus. Unbelievable, but as it's him, believable. Someone even said on the Echo comments, that he opened his eateries today in Adventure Island. This is the guy that Southend Borough Council bend over for. He once got a charity bike ride stopped as it may have affected his takings. I hope the Council take into account his behaviour during this, for the future.

I hope he is is going to carry on paying his staff when they close him down.
The maths are quite simple:
If one person passes it on to three people and each following day those three pass it onto three more people etc - each person passing it on to three more, by day twelve there are over 250,000 infected people.

So stay apart and don’t pass it on.
3 months without McDonald's and possibly most other take aways.
Expect more panic buying at supermarkets tomorrow.
Yes, but at least he took a few more quid on the day. That was his only concern. I know he stopped the charity bike ride, I didn't know about the marathon. The guy is rich beyond belief, but still want's every penny. I know quite a few seafront traders, so I get to hear things.
Anyway, here's part of his tweet, as 394 more die from the virus in Spain in 24 hours.....

All this panic without proper knowledge?

.The other bit was about an article that Peter Hitchens wrote, playing down the virus. Here's one sentence...The collapse of a flourishing society, brought on by fear and speculation. That's the flavour of it. Against lockdown, and we should carry on. Phillip Miller said Peter Hitchens should be running things.

As the update on deaths around the world keeps coming in, these people in denial, or fearing it might cost them a few quid, really sickens me.
Yes he stopped the marathon as he said it would be detrimental to his business and his staff would not be able to get to work !
Have noticed than some countries, Italy, Spain Iraq and others have a far higher percentage death rate than many countries. Are some genes more susceptible than others ?
Have noticed than some countries, Italy, Spain Iraq and others have a far higher percentage death rate than many countries. Are some genes more susceptible than others ?

Italy at just over 9 percent
Spain at just over 6 percent
Iran at 7.7 percent
UK currently at just under 5 percent

China was just over 4 percent and currently the USA have just over 1 percent mortality rate.

This is taken with the stats available and of course the percentages could be considerably lower as testing in the UK has been relatively low.
Think I've heard it said the percentage they are aiming for is 1 percent mortality rate.
I see Harvey Weinstein has Coronavirus and he is in prison. I also heard a prisoner in Manchester has it.

The Gov are now asking the children of key workers not to go to school if at all possible.

We all need to stay at home. From now on I'm only going out for essential supplies and to take essential supplies to my mum and I'm not easy about doing that but there is no one else that can do it for her.

Any employer of non essential services who is still asking it's staff to travel and to have person to person contact is not taking this very seriously.

The lockdown should have been announced yesterday and even then it's probably a week or two weeks too late. Let's hope I'm overreacting!
I see Harvey Weinstein has Coronavirus and he is in prison. I also heard a prisoner in Manchester has it.

The Gov are now asking the children of key workers not to go to school if at all possible.

We all need to stay at home. From now on I'm only going out for essential supplies and to take essential supplies to my mum and I'm not easy about doing that but there is no one else that can do it for her.

Any employer of non essential services who is still asking it's staff to travel and to have person to person contact is not taking this very seriously.

The lockdown should have been announced yesterday and even then it's probably a week or two weeks too late. Let's hope I'm overreacting!

I'm happy to trust the expert opinions of the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Science Officer.
Costa closing from tonight. Why not straight away I'm not sure, beyond belief that people think mooching in coffee shops is the right thing to do. When this hits, a lot of these people not heeding advice will either be infected or have unwittingly passed it on to relatives or friends.
Popped to the CoOp on the Broadway this morn, was empty but the young fella on the tills looked exhausted and drained. Govt will take extra steps this eve, surely.
I live next to a park and playing field and it has been absolutely rammed all weekend. Loads of kids all playing and parents completely oblivious to the seriousness of this situation.

Its peoples ignorance and stupidity that will force the government to lock us down.
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