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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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The only thing that really changes from Tier 2 to Tier 3 is the closing of hospitality completely (it's closed all but in name anyway) and you can't go and watch a sports event.

Everything else stays open or the rule of six outdoors. You can still go to work and travel on public transport with the great unwashed and share an office with random people and also shop or go to the gym with others.

It's not really any different except stopping anything pleasurable. I suppose it's either that or the country goes bankrupt and kids miss out on their education and we ruin a whole generation so probably a fair balance.

If i have to go without being allowed to see my friends and family for these reasons for a few more months then so be it even though I am opposed to this.

I agree. However at least hospitality venues now get some support from the government. My partners pub has been hoping we go into tier 3 since the substantial meal come in as they were just dead and now worth even opening.
So, what areas of Essex will be in Tier 3 and what areas remain in Tier 2?
Basildon, Castle Point, Southend, Thurrock, Rochford, Chelmsford, Maldon, Brentwood, Braintree, Harlow and Epping Forest in Essex will be going into Tier 3.
How will this new strain impact the vaccines?

Ah - just heard from the Commons webcast - they think it is highly unlikely to impact the effectiveness of the vaccine. But won't know for sure for some days/weeks.
Looking at the bbc site its say under tier 3 gyms can stay open. Lets all get down there and polish those guns. Theres sfa to do from now!
Could that be down to kids rarely getting seriously ill from Covid though? If kids have Covid but don't feel ill then they aren't going to get tested (unless they are in a high-Covid area where the government has enforced mandatory school testing), so a school isn't going to realise Covid is going around until one of the teachers catches it and feels ill enough to get a test. If that happened then even if the kids were the original source of the outbreak in a school a teacher would be the first case to actually be picked up on and they'd be listed as the origin.
Not really it’s down to swab studies and observation of school clusters.
I've been thinking about this whole exempt thing, if I had a respiratory problem, I'd be wearing 2 masks and a full NBC suit so I wouldn't catch it for sure. It's more of a case that people just don't care about others.

Could be for Psychological reasons.
Could be for Psychological reasons.

No sorry, that doesn't wash with me, if it was a psychological reason, they wouldn't be in that place, in the first place. Psychololgical can be very much a fear of something or a place. These are simply people who couldn't care less about others or human life and only care about themselves.
No sorry, that doesn't wash with me, if it was a psychological reason, they wouldn't be in that place, in the first place. Psychololgical can be very much a fear of something or a place. These are simply people who couldn't care less about others or human life and only care about themselves.

So someone who was abducted and raped with their mouth tapped up and has severe post traumatic shock flash backs if anything is over their mouth....should not be allowed to go shopping.

I know someone who wears a lanyard and card but still gets bullied in shops.
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