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I posted it as a bit of light hearted humour. If you're offended I'll take it down.Is casual racism ok now?
I posted it as a bit of light hearted humour. If you're offended I'll take it down.Is casual racism ok now?
I've taken it down now.I posted it as a bit of light hearted humour. If you're offended I'll take it down.
I would think so. Although I’m sure there will be a few whispers leaked before then.
Caution needs to be taken however the cure is soon becoming worse than the cause. There are currently 2 people in my partners pub, Monday is usually one of their busiest days of the week. The hospitality industry is being crippled. If we're not careful there will be no economy to go back to.
The trouble is, the October figure - even if it had levelled out - is significantly higher than it has/had been across the summer months, which of course brings about more risk of transmission and added strain to health services.
Bottom line, that levelled figure is still much higher than what we need it to be, to remain stable and sustainable.
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As for lockdowns, they clearly do work, as we saw back in March/April/May. Without it, the figures would have been far, far higher than what we ended up with.
The trouble is, you MUST have a competent exit strategy, which IMO, we never did. Our guidelines and instructions were as clear as mud, with several of them being contradictory, and unenforceable. And that is on top of a track and trace system that is down right pathetic.
Add into the mix several high profile examples of the rules being flouted, and our post-lockdown course was doomed from the beginning.
Not trueSweden have had no lockdown and they don't wear masks
Not true
Listening to the radio yesterday was heart breaking. People were phoning in in pieces after losing their businesses, losing their jobs and in a really bad way. The remaining schemes only really help if you have a job. So they are faced with universal credit, which we know isn't great. I really don't know how this is going to end.
So that’s the Welsh returning to a national lockdown and the last I heard, the Northern Irish were set to follow suit.
How long before ours comes into force? With half-term starting next week, will Johnson be gracing our TV screens at some point this week...
From your own graph it would appear we were all safe when the beaches bars and restaurants where at their most crowded.
We all started going out in June and it disappeared. Bad weather and back to school and look whats happening......Donald Trump should stop calling it the China virus and call it the Greek virus....It had 8 complete weeks off in the summer.
Sweden have had no lockdown and they don't wear masks currently they have one of the lowest infection rates in Western Europe and just 14 people in intensive care with Corona related illness
The home nations seem to be competing with each other to see who can come up with the most nonsensical restrictions and the most ridiculous buzzwords for them. Playing politics with people's lives, people's livelihoods. Wales reported one death yesterday...
I expect Boris will cave in to public pressure once again and take us into lockdown just as he did in March, despite their being no justification for it or evidence that it will change anything. It's all so depressingly predictable at the moment.
I think it’s a bit of a stretch to think we were all safe during those summer months. People were still catching the virus and subsequently dying because of it.
I’m only a layman, but I’d guess that the numbers reflected the situation proportionally, because the difference back then compared to now, is the sheer scale of how we mix.
A few thousand people gathering on beaches, is significantly lower than a few million people interacting in a City through work/travel etc, so you’d expect the cases/deaths to be lower, no?
I often see Sweden mentioned as a success, but I don’t know enough about it to make a fair comment (although I believe they do still wear masks?)
All I know, is that for everyone who claims it is successful model, there are an equal - if not greater - number of opponents who think it’s not been as hunky dory as it’s been made out to be. Again, I don’t know ??![]()
From your own graph it would appear we were all safe when the beaches bars and restaurants where at their most crowded.
We all started going out in June and it disappeared. Bad weather and back to school and look whats happening......Donald Trump should stop calling it the China virus and call it the Greek virus....It had 8 complete weeks off in the summer.
Sweden have had no lockdown and they don't wear masks currently they have one of the lowest infection rates in Western Europe and just 14 people in intensive care with Corona related illness
Both parts.What part isn't true? Other than mass gatherings/events you can pretty much do anything in Sweden.
I even read a report this morning that they are considering loosening it even further.
"We believe it is essential that our residents are given clear, accurate information"www.greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk
Well then....Manchester council provided the Gov with evidence that they don't need more restrictions because the situation is more than under control. So what do the Gov do? Force restrictions upon them.
Everything always comes out in the wash..![]()
The home nations seem to be competing with each other to see who can come up with the most nonsensical restrictions and the most ridiculous buzzwords for them. Playing politics with people's lives, people's livelihoods. Wales reported one death yesterday...
I expect Boris will cave in to public pressure once again and take us into lockdown just as he did in March, despite their being no justification for it or evidence that it will change anything. It's all so depressingly predictable at the moment.