Tangled up in Blue
Certified Senior Citizen⭐🦐
Neither do people that work in supermarket but no one cares about them.
They usually wear masks and my wife's always very polite to them.She thanks thm for their work.
Neither do people that work in supermarket but no one cares about them.
In fairness mate, she hasn’t.
She’s attempting to scapegoat teachers, in order to pursue her own agenda. Someone or something needs to be blamed, and right now it’s the teachers in the firing line. Next it’ll be furloughed workers, who are all too happy to sit in their gardens, drinking beer & claiming 80%. Its classic divide and rule.
She doesn’t care how many people are put at risk with those actions, as long as a relatively small percentage of people can get back to work.
Without making this too political, the same people suggesting kids should go back to school, are the same ones who claimed to have a handle over the care home situation. They’re also the same ones telling us to utilise our common sense, when in fact they were shaking hands with covid patients & breaking lockdown restrictions.
Obviously it’s each to their own here, but frankly if I had kids, there’s not a chance I’d be sending them back to school for this brief period before the summer holidays. If I’m wrong, so be it, but my kids would stay safe. If I did send them back, and those other people are wrong though....
2 weeks is a long time in this current climate and as it stands with things ‘improving’ I will be sending my children back. For their mental health and their educational needs. One needs extra help especially with the transition to secondary school. If in a week/week and a half time things have started toget worse then I won’t send them. There’s got to be a point we cannot keep kids out of school forever.
I’m not a ****ing teacher and there is only so much I can do to ‘homeschool’. I wouldn’t be so bothered if the schools were putting the effort in with work for them but they aren’t. My year 6 children have had zero work from their teachers! My year 1 gets regular work and it’s helping. I’m having to use these free sites like Bitesize and Oak Academy for the year 6 kids, if they have a question about something I don’t know the answer. I can’t give the same answer as a teacher. They need that attention.
They’ve been out of school for a very long time so far, if we wait until September it’s going to be a really long time. Think about people who have children with ADHD trying to keep that child entertained when stuck at home. Think about all those other parents struggling, think about safeguarding. How many children will be at risk because they’re stuck at home for a prolonged period.
From our schools and my sister and mother in law who both work in schools, they’re happy to go back yet the unions are the ones pushing them to try and keep them at home.
I know it’s a tough situation and the school have sent us an extensive list of the countermeasures they will put in place. They have looked at the Danish bubble model and seen how it works. I like the concept and understand is their best option.
Put me down as you wish for wanting to send my children back but I don’t want their education or mental health to suffer. They could pick up the virus from my wife who is a key worker and could bring it home. And the same could be said for when I go back to work.
Firstly mate, I wasn’t putting you, or anyone else in your situation, down at all. I appreciate how difficult it must be in the current climate. I’m certainly not trying to suggest what you should or shouldn’t be doing.
Everyone has to make their own decisions, and those decisions will be based over a number of different personal factors, or course. Ten different parents will have ten different factors to consider.
You’re arguing the importance of kids going back to school, but that wasn’t my issue of contention. You’re right of course, kids need to go back to school - and you’ve given various decent reasons why.
But it has to be done in a safe manner. What’s your thoughts on this Kawasaki-like disease that’s spreading around? Apart from a few brief mentions in the media, it seems to be flying under the radar atm, and frankly it would give me bigger cause for concern, than Covid does. If I were being a conspiracist, I’d be questioning why it wasn’t receiving more coverage.
Anyway, again, my post wasn’t aimed at parents, it was aimed at A) the person who tweeted her par-for-the-course, scapegoating agenda, and B) the people who I wouldn’t trust to run a bath correctly, let alone the welfare of children.
I’m attacking the narrative that is being put across social media, that teachers are being made to look like the bad guys, and this idea that the country would be back on its feet, if those same lazy teachers put down their margaritas & got off their sun loungers long enough, to get back into the classroom.
It’s a fallacy. It’s just not real.
They did it with single monthers, they did it with foreigners, they did it with nurses, they did it with firemen, they did it with junior doctors and now, they’re doing it with teachers.
It’ll be people like you and me next, the ones who have been involuntarily furloughed, who are to blame.
I know you weren’t directly but I have seen some people getting some stick for wanting their kids to go back.
As for the Kawasaki disease, that’s new to me I haven’t heard anything about it.
I may have used the wrong person sending that tweet out as I don’t think the teachers are the problem. It’s the unions who are kicking up the biggest fuss. I know a lot of teachers and they’re all keen to go back. Their unions are the ones who seem to be the ones not wanting them back regardless of their thoughts.
One way around the swear filter?I suppose you could say that's 'une merde!' (feminine, of course).........especially for the Peugeot owner.![]()
I obviously can’t speak on behalf of all teachers, or all schools, as I know the provisions put in place during this have varied in different schools. However, I’ve been in work throughout this lockdown with our key worker and vulnerable children. Alongside this, I’ve been providing daily work for my Year 6 children who are at home, marking it daily and ensuring it is exactly the same work they would have been doing in class, just heavily adapted to be more suitable for home learning.
My issue is the unrealistic expectations when we go back. Social distancing in the classroom is going to be next to impossible, unless I have a class size of 8, and we just don’t have the staff to do that. I’m not against getting back in the classroom; I’ve not really been out of the classroom since March. The things that we have to have in place for when we return are overwhelmingly different from “business as usual”, and I think a lot of children are going to find it very stressful. I don’t buy into this notion that there are teachers who can’t be arsed to work. I saw that **** Katie Hopkins yesterday calling all teachers “lazy bastards”. At my school, everyone (besides those on the vulnerable list) will be back in June. A lot of these people are older, scared and uncertain, but will still be coming in, because they care about their work and the children they work for.
This hasn’t been easy for anyone, and I have all the respect in the world for every single person who has had to work throughout this, despite the fear that it would have caused in many people. What I can’t stand is the hatred some are showing towards certain professions, we’re all just doing our best and trying to do it in the safest way possible.
To be honest how it’s been down this road I expect the r rate will shoot up and schools to not open in June. Lots of family visiting family and increased amount of people in the parks playing sport and down the river. It is Braintree so could just be the usual thick ****s from here. But it’s almost like everything has been lifted here and normal service resumed.
I have nothing but respect for teachers and what they do. I have had to homeschool 2 year 6’s, a year 1 and a nursery child! It’s certainly a job I could never do and hats off to all that do the job.
My gripe is purely with the year 6 teachers for my 2. As soon as they broke from school they’ve had **** all work sent for them. My year 1 child has had loads of work sent out. The infant school have been brilliant the junior school have been ****e! They know that it’s their last year and they can wipe their hands of them. That’s why I’m so desperate for them to go back, especially the year 6 two.
Like I said above I don’t think they will be going back in June because of selfish dickheads not following the guidelines.
I don’t know the circumstances around the school your two in Year 6 attend, but for the school to be providing nothing is not ok. Even if the academic gains are going to be minimal from home, it’s still important that they know the school, and teachers, care.
Not wishing to sound pedantic but I wouldn't want to rush kids back to a school that don't seem to be putting the effort in... From an outsiders perspective it looks like you are in the minority in what you've encountered.I have nothing but respect for teachers and what they do. I have had to homeschool 2 year 6’s, a year 1 and a nursery child! It’s certainly a job I could never do and hats off to all that do the job.
My gripe is purely with the year 6 teachers for my 2. As soon as they broke from school they’ve had **** all work sent for them. My year 1 child has had loads of work sent out. The infant school have been brilliant the junior school have been ****e! They know that it’s their last year and they can wipe their hands of them. That’s why I’m so desperate for them to go back, especially the year 6 two.
Like I said above I don’t think they will be going back in June because of selfish dickheads not following the guidelines.
Not wishing to sound pedantic but I wouldn't want to rush kids back to a school that don't seem to be putting the effort in... From an outsiders perspective it looks like you are in the minority in what you've encountered.
My niece is in year 8 and if she doesn’t complete the work they send out my sister gets a phone call from the school.
They’ve not even checked in with us and my son is a looked after child.
Similar to us, if we don’t hear from a child for 2 days we contact just to make sure everything is ok. Although it’s more from a pastoral point of view than demanding work be done.
Same in Leigh for the last couple of weeks, a noticeable change - people seem far more relaxed and less cautious. This “unlimited exercise” stuff and “you can meet one person outside your household” is being exploited to the max. We can only wait and see what effect it has on infection rates. They’ll either spiral up or carry on falling and I’m hearing an awful lot of unknowns. On that basis I wouldn’t send my son to school just yet. If the R rate keeps falling and is below 0.5 by mid-June I will. It’s impossible to practice safe social distancing in primary schools, but the hygiene and hand washing and smaller classes will help reduce the risks.To be honest how it’s been down this road I expect the r rate will shoot up and schools to not open in June. Lots of family visiting family and increased amount of people in the parks playing sport and down the river. It is Braintree so could just be the usual thick ****s from here. But it’s almost like everything has been lifted here and normal service resumed.
I’ve just seen that there’s currently a protest occurring in Hyde Park.
Seems to be a fair sprinkling of head bangers who still believe this is all a 5G/Bill Gates conspiracy.
The sad thing is, when this second wave does inevitably hit, these people will double down on their beliefs, instead of realising that they directly contributed to it