What about the Kawasaki-like disease that is currently sweeping through Europe and North America, that is being intrinsically linked to Covid?
When it comes to children’s safety, I think parents can be excused for being somewhat paranoid. If a parent is wrong for being over-cautious, what’s the worst that can happen? However, on the other hand, if the powers-that-be are wrong...
Also, you realise that teachers are still working, right?
As for getting the economy going, I’ve not seen anybody saying we shouldn’t focus on that, but instead that it needs to be done at the right pace. If history has taught us one thing, it’s that a second wave of a global pandemic is often worse than the first. Spanish Flu went from 3m dead, to 50m dead during its second wave.
Going by that logic, if people think this has been bad so far, they should realise that it could get catastrophically worse yet, so timing is everything.
If so, that would make the worlds leading doctors, epidemiologists & virologists wrong. What evidence is there to counteract their knowledge?
Not quite. Up until Monday, we had 25% of the UK’s workforce on furlough.
The truth is, world economies are about to tank, hard. America for example, has 30 million unemployed people right now. Their economy is about to fall through the floor.
Sorry mate, but that’s just patently wrong & selfish.
Healthy under 65’s have still wound up in hospital.
Healthy under-65’s still contract and pass the virus on.
Why should my parents lives’ be put on the line, because some people can’t stay away from their friends for a couple of weeks?
I know this has been tough for everyone, but at the end of the day, this isn’t a society where we sacrifice the old, the weak (aswell as a few healthy ones), just to keep the rest of us going.
And seeing as a lot of over 65’s still make up part of the taxpaying workforce, it wouldn’t be wise to cut them adrift, as we’ll need them to help get the economy going again.
Again, it’s not just the vulnerable we have to protect, because healthy people have died too. The idea is to protect everyone.... or at least as many lives as possible.
It doesn’t matter if you’re as fit as a fiddle, or as old as a fossil, and neither does it matter if you’ve got a potential death rate of 0.0001%, you still get the same rights & protections as everyone else.
I play the lottery, which has insurmountable odds against me. But I play because I know
someone has to win. It probably won’t be me, but I’ve got as good a chance as anybody else in my demographic. And it’s the same with this virus. You probably won’t get it, but there’s a chance you will.
I’ll always be in favour of what saves & protects the most lives, and frankly, seeing as how this country has already made mistake after mistake during the last 5 months, I’d be inclined to question this next step, too.