Have taken a day or two away from the keyboard. I fear of becoming a real couch potato, sitting on my backside, slouched in front of my computer screen. This is what Brexit has done for me!
There is such limited time in the day that thoughts aired on here turn out to be a facade of ones ideas, sometimes lacking the complexity and depth they demand. There are things I would agree with in your response to my original tract................but certainly not all.
Still hold to the reasons why Labour feared better than expected in 2017. In the end 40% means everything and nothing,
no point getting a 40,000 majority in 'Gateshead East' if you can't win 'Walsall.' Yet given the confidence of that result and in face of a totally incompetent government, you'd expect Labout to be surging ahead in the polls..............they're not.
I know you will talk with some reason about the accuracy of polls but they do give, at least, an indication. In the present circumstances any reasonable opposition should be streets ahead of this divided rabble of a government.
I should have qualified, that my thoughts on Labour being unelectable refered to a 'normal' election. You were right to point out that Labour cannot force one and if there is one in 2019 it will be because the Tory Party has imploded. Then of course, all bets are off the table, God knows how it would turn out.
There has been discussion about the degree of extremism in the UK. One argument could be that, happily the UK has avoided the nasty extremes we are now seeing displayed in mainland Europe and the british people are more level-headed. Another could be that, perhaps given the electoral system, people with extreme views on both the right and left, prefer to associate themselves and hide within with the traditional party's.
I don't personally think Corbyn is an antisemite but he has been a little naive, in the past, with those whom he has associated with. I do believe there may be an issue of antisemitism within the party. Yet, I also believe there is antisemitism and racism in the Tory Party....... it's just that they hide it a bit better.

When I talked of a 'soft ride' I refered to the catastrophic 2017 Tory campaign and the necessity of of him eventually having to come off the fence regarding Brexit. I do think you have to avoid falling in to the trap of accusing the right wing media for all Labour's ills. ............. it's not just the right-wing press that can be critical. If anything the mainstream press is rather less influential these days and social media is where apparently elections are fought and lost. At least with the traditional media, you knew where and who the message was coming from!
There you are.............a reply of sorts..............far from perfect but all I'm able to supply in the time I'm prepared to give....................and that's already too much! I could have stripped another chair downstairs by now, especially as the predicted rain hasn't yet arrived.