A line written by YB earlier stated "It would leave both remain and leave voters DEEPLY disatisfied" that tends to make one wonder, no matter what the final outcome of this debacle - assuming there will ever be one, of course - how will the Union and Parliament itself not just survive but exist in the future with any credibility.
With the Union - of which I, as an Englishman, am so immensely proud - the surge in what's amounting to out and out hatred from all quarters is very disturbing. I cannot think of another time in our history (bar the English Civl War) where there has been such deep division. To suggest that we are in the midst of what I can only describe as a most (un)Civil War is not an understatement. Not just the Far Left and Right extremists standing toe to toe screaming in each other's faces but those faceless 'keyboard warriors' who're quite happy to extol the virtues of 'their side' being right, you're wrong and that's an end to it. Oh, and for good measure, I'm going to call you all the unpleasant names under the Sun I can think of whilst doing so. Madness and not a little pathetic.
Regardless of whichever way someone voted in the Referendum, the final outcome has, or rather is, showing our Parliament up for being not fit for purpose. I've never been a fan of politics but these last couple of years in particular have shown this group of elected representatives to be a near-total embarrassment. From it's misguided government leader, to those in privileged positions (in all parties) of responsibility doing their damndest to feather their own nest's and now, to the point where the Speaker of the House - arguably THE most important person in the building - abusing his supposedly unbiased position. One wonders how the electorate will reward these politicians when the time comes to make their choices come the next election. That's assuming the electorate will bother in such numbers, of course. I feel that there's potential for a seismic shift in the offing.
For me personally - whilst it matters not one jot which way I cast my vote a couple of years ago, it breaks my heart to see where we are now, how we've got here and for what may still be to come. I certainly don't have any answers - that's what the politicians are supposed to sort out, isn't it ? Well, that being the case - God help us all, whichever way it goes, as the fallout could last for decades.
Sorry if I've waffled on a bit here, I'll just get my coat....