Ken, in your professional opinion, do you agree different people have different tolerance for Stella? Personally 6 pints of it & I'm a really happy cheery drunk, 7 I turn into a raging psychotic nutjob. Is this par for the course do you think?
There's definitely a "loopy" chemical in Stella that sets the majority of it's drinkers off. Personally, as I said when the idea to start this competition off, I'm glad InBev have brought out alternatives like Peetermans Artois!
Therein lies the problem with lager brewed and sold in the UK, to me it always has a very bitter & chemically after taste, which you just don't get in Stella or similar lagers when you are on the continent. IMO most UK brewed lagers are aerated p!ss, served at a low temperature so that oxygen to the brain is cut off, hence the feeling of drunkeness.