For those of you interested in SUEPA stuff, a few stats from the 71/72 season from a SUEPA perspective:
- there were 21 players used that season by Arfur
- of those, three have certainly since passed away, namely Brian Albeson, Joe Jacques and Keith Lindsey
- in all likelihood one other has too, namely Peter Woods as after some help on the Doncaster fans forum I ended up finding the following link which really looks like him and sadly notes he assed away in 2011 (I contacted Just Giving but they have no forwarding contact):
Peter Woods
- so that leaves 17 and all are SUEPA members bar George Duck, Jimmy Lumsden and Brian Myton
- George co-commentates on Wealdstone games so with a bit of luck if I can get a ticket for the match coming u there I'll be able to speak to him and sign him up
- I do have a lead on Bryan (the first player in football league history to be sent off on their league debut) but no rely yet so I need to chase that one up
- That leaves Jimmy Lumsden who is now out of the game and with no interest it seems in football, preferring his allotment instead. He is mates with David Moyes so I've asked Ben Clarkson to see if Moyes will talk to Jimmy (some of the leads we try and follow up can get a bit desperate but nothing ventured ....)
- so we have 14 SUEPA members from that season and having recently signed up Bernie Lewis we now have every player still alive who played in that Villa match
- Derek Bellotti, Dave Barnett and Peter Hunt have been back to Roots Hall thanks to SUEPA match day events so far and Billy Best visited just before SUEPA was launched
The other day someone mentioned to me the idea of the Trust getting some commemorative badges made up. Not my thing, and with more than enough other stuff to do I put the idea to one side, but there is a market for these, and one idea might be to have one re the 50th anniversary of the 71/72 season given it was our first ever EFL promotion. What do you think?
I will work on the idea of a 71/72 SUEPA match day event as soon as I know from the club what facilities I can have for these things this season, I'm in touch with Tom re that.
If anyone has any ideas of their own re commemorating 71/72 which SUEPA might perhaps be able to help with please do let me know