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Question Will there be a Takeover announcement next week (commencing Monday 10th July 23), and if so, when.

What day of week do you think a takeover will be announced?

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I felt confident it will be all sorted soon. Yesterday but today completely gone the other way , so bloody frustrating
if we are lucky it might be about 28/07/2023!!! if its not done by then we are stuffed (im assuming of an adjornment on the 12th)
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given up! not going to happen... its all a mess and DICK HEAD RON is only interested in the housing situ... he will end up just selling roots for the new builds and SUFC gone! take what dollar he can swindle from the council and anyone else stupid enough to get into bed with him and die being hated for the rest of his life! UP THE BLUES!
Ron aka Nero will fiddle til the very end, and thus leave the court and or league with no choice but to shut him and blues down , I'm struggling to see Ron's pig headed entitled attitude resulting in any other outcome!
Tuesday. I’m actually encouraged by the chance for kimura to buy the club and not the stadium deal. I think the latter will come as they aren’t dumb and won’t want to be exposed to more ron
Agreed and where would that leave all the staff including players, management etc. We would be ****ed with another adjournment.
We would definitely not have a football team everyone would leave… the staff would be gone …. Basically we would be ****ed from every angle!! That’s why it’s sell or bust… or he pays everything him self by weds