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Question Will there be a Takeover announcement next week (commencing Monday 10th July 23), and if so, when.

What day of week do you think a takeover will be announced?

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  • Poll closed .


I'm a Gnu, how do you do!⭐⭐
Staff member
Aug 14, 2009
Westcliff riviera
The anticipation is gaining momentum so I guess it's time for a Zone Poll. If, as we all hope, there is a takeover announcement this week, what day do you think it will be?


Knowing my luck it will be Friday so I won't be able to go and celebrate with everyone.

But I'm really hoping today, considering our fresh court problems would be far more likely resolved with new ownership.
I’d be surprised if it was this week.

I’d suggest next week would still be quite an aggressive target date. These things take time. Relax*

*unless you are one of the parties involved in it, in which case you’ve got a busy week ahead so nose to the grindstone
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Well according to sources it was "95%" done last week.

If they had managed to achieve 95% in that time then 5% shouldn't take much longer.

I think that those trying to buy the club are desperate to get it over the line.
Not sure of that. The pareto principle (also known as the 80/20 rule) will come into play.
Some of the finer details will require the majority of the work and discussions. I did allude to this when talking about the legal side, contracts will be mostly there but additional clauses e.g. for the stadium might be more complex.
Well according to sources it was "95%" done last week.

If they had managed to achieve 95% in that time then 5% shouldn't take much longer.

I think that those trying to buy the club are desperate to get it over the line.

Even as a natural optimist, I'll be staggered (happily so) if it happens this week. Lots of good noises but the 100% isn't always linear in these discussions. Quite feasible that the final 5% happens right at the end simply because it's tying up all of the most complex or problematic threads of the discussion as they come to a head at once, and where the due diligence takes just that bit longer.

Not easy to relax as all we want to do is celebrate the outcome. The good news is all parties seem to be aligned on the incentives for doing a deal with a strong compelling event for getting it over the line.

If it doesn't get done this week, that alone shouldn't give any reason to panic.
could someone please explain the echo headline please we are hoping for a takeover deal in the next few days ,yet the echo is saying a potential buyer is showing genuine interest in the club ?? i would have thought we are further down the road than this with someone just showing interest ,
could someone please explain the echo headline please we are hoping for a takeover deal in the next few days ,yet the echo is saying a potential buyer is showing genuine interest in the club ?? i would have thought we are further down the road than this with someone just showing interest ,
Maybe they are just saying that because they're not allowed to say its nearly done, we live in Hope.
This 95 % number is similar to accumulated questions that get harder near the end of a test.
The final 5% taking longer to work out than the much easier stuff beforehand.