President ⭐
Yes, people do tend to think he is some mastermind who has engineered all this as some giant wheeze to eventually kill the club and ride off into the sunset.Thing is I doubt he knows what his plans are.
He hasn't. He's a small time businessman who has spent the last 25 years tying himself up in knots because of a little bad luck (financial crash of 2008 etc) and a lot of utter incompetence. He is not a mastermind, he flies by the seat of his pants and doesn't care who ends up out of pocket along the way as long as he can still live a lavish lifestyle.
He's running out of road, the trouble is he is bringing us down with him.
I am astounded also that Ron is still the primary focus and not Jack. Citizen Housing is not Ron. Ron is not the one supplying information for DD. Jack is. Also, the thing that got to Ron most with all the protests and media attention, was when his son was sent a warning by the protest group. Shook them up something rotten. Perhaps the protests should be rerouted from Benfleet Road to Camden.