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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Off you go then…
This is the problem with our fanbase. So fractured. You’re asking one man to go to his house and cause carnage. What happens when a group of 5/10 people go on the pitch and protest? They get banning orders. What happens if 500+ people go on the pitch to protest? Absolutely nothing - because there’s strength in numbers.

I have personally been calling for action for years and it fell on deaf ears. But can you imagine the Millwalls, the Charltons etc of the world sitting in their hands doing nothing? Similar clubs to us who have a working class, local fanbase.

The Trust aren’t to blame for this mess, that’s for sure. But I don’t think they have painted themselves in the best light by the way by their reaction (or lack of). When it comes to someone of Ron’s nature, then sword is far mightier than the pen.
RM’s biggest problem is RM himself. I’m not sure he knows himself what he wants. It’s like when you ask your wife what they want for dinner. One minute one thing is up for sale, work goes on that, then he decides he doesn’t want a curry, he wants a Chinese. You dig the menu out, write everything down, and then the Chinese is shut on a Tuesday. She doesn’t want a dominos/papa johns/pizza but, but wants a pizza from the kebab shop, but they don’t do her favourite pizza she normally gets from the chain restaurants. She looks through the fridge and freezer, then doesn’t want to cook, you offer but she doesn’t fancy anything you have. Soon, it’s 9pm and you’re both starving and revert to the curry, but it’s ****.
Whatever floats your boat.
There’s only been one person bang on the money so far…..sadly it ForeverBlue.

I’m starting to think that Ron really doesn’t have any intention of selling to COSU.
So then what happens now? No statement from the NL, negotiations still ongoing. Can’t be sitting there for 8 hours a day negotiating the same thing right?
Why would there be a statement from the NL? We have lodged an appeal so there’s nothing for them to say until that appeal has been heard and a judgement on it reached.
RM’s biggest problem is RM himself. I’m not sure he knows himself what he wants. It’s like when you ask your wife what they want for dinner. One minute one thing is up for sale, work goes on that, then he decides he doesn’t want a curry, he wants a Chinese. You dig the menu out, write everything down, and then the Chinese is shut on a Tuesday. She doesn’t want a dominos/papa johns/pizza but, but wants a pizza from the kebab shop, but they don’t do her favourite pizza she normally gets from the chain restaurants. She looks through the fridge and freezer, then doesn’t want to cook, you offer but she doesn’t fancy anything you have. Soon, it’s 9pm and you’re both starving and revert to the curry, but it’s ****.

I don’t doubt that this is an issue but it’s not RM’s biggest problem.

His biggest problem is that he owes millions and millions.

If he didn’t this deal would have closed ages ago. All the complications arise from the fact that he owes millions and millions and has no means to repay such vast amounts.

Part of the reason he keeps seemingly changing his mind will be because of his massive debts he is beholden to his partners and doesn’t have authority to change things (nor the intelligence to anticipate things). How many of the things he agrees then have to get changed because they don’t work for the Council, for CBRE, for Citizen Housing etc?

I still think he needs this deal.

I still think this deal doesn’t pass until it seems to first fall apart.

I just hope the delay doesn’t first kill the club.
As we all knew Eon martin is a lier a cheat And he has done the same to eveyone who has tryed to buy and save the club He strings them along He alowes them enogh rope Then he hangs them like a pupprt Mattin someone should take action against you If someone buys somthing in good faith They should be able to take court action against you fror what you have done