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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Unless Ron has agreed to put up security, legally binding, then I can't see how COSU can put more money in to settle the WUP next week. If COSU doesn't walk then it looks like we might be relying on a judge taking pity and adjourning next week
COSU cannot keep pumping money in, paying off historical debts with the 🐀 family laughing at them?

This is what happens when you don`t stick to deadlines. I`m not sure that point 3 of COSU`s demands have been met?

WUP on Wednesday for what will be a Final legally binding WUP?

We go round and round in circles with the 🐀 still with his name over the club, FWIW!!?

F*cking Livid!!?

Stand your F*cking ground!!?
So more negotiations followed by another round of due diligence which will take god knows how long. Meanwhile winding up petition incoming and no club income as season tickets are still not on sale (probably wouldn’t buy one yet even if they were). Can’t take much more of this.
So more negotiations followed by another round of due diligence which will take god knows how long. Meanwhile winding up petition incoming and no club income as season tickets are still not on sale (probably wouldn’t buy one yet even if they were). Can’t take much more of this.
Definitely wouldn't buy one if COSU aren't convinced it's all ok
This is all nonsense. Feeling Forever Blue might be right
It’s been a year now since Justin first approached the club and spoke with Ron

Back in October it was weeks, not months. 23rd December, everyone thought that was it, done deal.

April, Ron said he was 99% sure by early to mid May it will be done.

Now we find ourselves nearly into July and still no deal.

My advice to the consortium would be don’t waste any more of your money, this weeks’s actions by the Martins should be all the proof you need to realise what you’re dealing with. They are screwing you over, just like they have done with many others before you.
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Reading that statements feels like we’re getting let down gently, I don’t know but I’m guessing COSU have a big decision to make, stick or twist. The Martins will try and to get away with as much as possible without committing trying to call COSU bluff to pay off that WUO next week.
I’d lay money happyshrimp and realistic shrimp are the same troll. Ones been here for 6 years and managed 86 posts & is suddenly the font of inside knowledge. The other one joined just now, for the sole purpose of being Happyshrimp’s only friend. You’re as bad as the rats.
alright when I’m correct Id like a formal apology . If you think you can insult me we can deal with this like real men if you want ..
Well it's 4.55am in Sydney so I imagine Justin hasn't seen that statement yet. Maybe in a few hours he'll be in touch with the others.... unless they made a pre-prepared statement saying "**** off"