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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Could work for Ron this. He plays nice now and gets his permission from the council to fill the stadium sized hole in FF with houses later.
Just wondering If the reason the Ratsters were trying to greedily get more out of the deal by changing lease lengths and types of housing, was to try and recover some of the 20mil they've got to give up towards the RH development.
Assuming it was greed driven, possibly due the levels of debt they're carryinng, I'm pleased it's not being permitted. An England\SUFC win double would be great news this week.
Just wondering If the reason the Ratsters were trying to greedily get more out of the deal by changing lease lengths and types of housing, was to try and recover some of the 20mil they've got to give up towards the RH development.
Assuming it was greed driven, possibly due the levels of debt they're carryinng, I'm pleased it's not being permitted. An England\SUFC win double would be great news this week.
If they hadn't locked in the cost of the development when they got pp back in 2021/2(?) then you've had a large rise in interest rates and double digit inflation - that'll change the cost of the development significantly. Countering that pay £20m instead of building a stadium.
My sauce gave me some real positive news today, sworn to secrecy on detail obvs.
Oddly enough this coupled with @Tribal Chief putting out positive vibes then boosted by the council finally calling the rats out....has got me optimistic
When do we ketchup on the news from this sauce? I’ll be on the gravy train and HP if it’s positive.
Excellent statement and bold move by SCC. It feels like the same feeling when COSU came forward to buy the club. Rat forced into a corner and it's been a long time coming. It would be sad to lose the club of course, unthinkable, but this sick Martin game of messing with so many people's and business's lives is about to end one way or the other. We're sick of hearing the words 'due dilligence', but the words 'Ron Martin' we are even more sick of saying and hearing. The only silver cloud to losing the club would be for the total fraudster to lose out on his greed and everything. I'll be glad when we've rid of him at last. Accept the deal and finally just f@@k right off!!!
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Is it the beging of the end for our football club . After hundreds of years .Are we going to follow Bury darlo down the tubes . I T s one of the sadest days in my life .To think the once proud club may be no more in a couple of weeks time .
I hope you’re right, and you have been so far so I keep the faith.

The Tory’s are crying on X now about Labour scuppering their fantastic deal with Ron….
Remind me who were bending over backwards making unreasonable concessions for the rats in the first place? And I wonder who promised COSU that DD would be done in 6-8 weeks. I bloody hate politicians trying to point score.:Angry:
Unfortunately, the Tories boycotted a council meeting on Thursday, and are refusing to attend meetings for the moment. This is not over the Fossetts deal, and hopefully doesn't affect it or hold it up further. But it's certainly not helpful with this crucial week coming up. Something to do with chair and vice chair, but the rest of the council have implied it's an organised disruption, and there's no need for it. Sigh.
It looks as if the Martins will be forced in a corner to agreeing to the Council's demands. However, just before building takes place they, like most developers will probably claim that it is not economically viable to build the amount of affordable properties required. This happens all the time and councils don't have the money to take action against the developer. Still, it won't be our problem and while this is all happening hopefully our football club will be progressing free of the toxic Martin regime.
I would like to think the club will be saved .But sadly there has been to many times .There has been storys coming out only for them to be snatched away .So many stores so many lies .I may add not from the fan base .We have in one corner Ron and in the other corner the council .They are trading blow for blow will we get a knock down .I doubt it this match can only end in a points decition .And someone is going to loose on points .Lets all hope the council will come out on top and our club wins in the end .
Could be wrong but I’m certain they were looking to set up a fan zone at RH for the Euros, obvs that won’t happen now
That's 100% correct and was high on Justin's list. A lot of revenue lost there now which would have kick started a lot of other work. Obviously he was/is very unhappy how that panned out due to the takeover delays.
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I guess it could still happen IF England was to get to the final. The rat says yes let’s say Monday and we’ll be back in business imo
Won't happen now. The Euro fanzone, or England getting to the final! Lol

It takes a lot of work and planning and won't be profitable enough for one game. Opportunity gone sadly.
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That's 100% correct and was high on Justin's list. A lot of revenue lost there now which would have kick started a lot of other work. Obviously he was/is very unhappy how that panned out due to the takeover delays.
Just something else The Rat has ruined for us supporters it would have been good to have a beer 🍺 and a catch up with other shrimpers Just do the right thing this week Ron get out of Southend United