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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

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Yes, the reference to 2021 is just in terms of residential mix, etc.

They've essentially laid out exactly what their external advice says will get through DD and audit, and stand a good chance of passing planning. Any other offers or proposed changes by the Martins are a waste of time. It's this or nothing.
Regardless of an agreement from Martins/Citizen Housing, while a formal planning agreement remains outstanding and any doubt remains, I would anticipate COSU would require a water tight commitment from the Council to continue splashing the cash.
Ron will agree, get the plans passed, start the development, get to a certain point and then claim it isn’t viable financially and will try and renegotiate. Standard developer tactic.
who gives a f*** as long as the Martins have officially handed the club over to COSU and can’t get it back.
Let’s be honest COSU are never getting that £20 million so as long as the rats are away from my club i hope it does fail for them.
Karma for all the crap they have put us thru
This is the good news I assume we are due to hear ?? All the weeks months and over a year of the negotiations and we are now at the point of ‘back to the beginning’ this club is a spin off of 24… it goes on soo long you end up forgetting what the starting point was and why we are at this bit ?

What I will say is.. we are literally at the 11:59 and 58 seconds on the doomsday clock this finally is it … ( if of course the rat doesn’t or more so CANT agree to the new changes ) he’s in such a pickle now I’d be surprised if he financially can agree to the revised changes ..
the sadness of seeing my beloved club fold would be short lived knowing Ron and his fat useless **** of sons Jack and Tom and his bint of a wife Julie fail would bring me some comfort. Yes if and when the tories get back in he maybe able to rise form the phoenix again with another scheme for the land but I would hope the toll of this battle would kill him long before that time …

Of course this is all IF he doesn’t agree … if he does ? Then possibly it’s a master stroke from the council… but just remember this again will start another planning meeting and another planning meeting and the journey game playing and scheming will just run on and on and on … does the consortium have the nerve passion money amd legs for this ? I doubt it very much as we sit round a table in 15 years and say ‘ do you remember that Australian fella that flew into town trying to buy the club , what ever happened to him ?
Wow just wow. One way or another this is now coming to a head. Basically accept the deal or forget building on Fossets. Nice work SCC.

Deadline 21st June, another bloody week of waiting.
who gives a f*** as long as the Martins have officially handed the club over to COSU and can’t get it back.
Let’s be honest COSU are never getting that £20 million so as long as the rats are away from my club i hope it does fail for them.
Karma for all the crap they have put us thru
This for me is a key element and concern. If the resultant financials for the original 2021 development proposals benefits the council more, and the Martins less, then we can frankly say goodbye to that £20m if Ratty agrees to this ultimatum. But at least we'd still have a club, hopefully with a more sustainable future.
Sounds ominous at first, but a line has been drawn. Over to you ron, deal or no deal. Accept it or never ever develope fossets
The feeling appears to be that the letter to Citizens is largely confirming a way forward that has largely already been agreed. The fact they have been given till next Friday suggests time for one or two elements to be ironed out.

An interesting piece of this is what it means for planning. And don’t overlook the reference in the statement to funds for COSU being released when planning is approved. This seemed a bit different?

The 2021 proposal and planning had as first phase the stadium. Will the planning just be amended in the first instance to substitute building the stadium with funds to COSU? So developers can then get on with the development in line with the plans Then the housing on the stadium site is a separate planning application? This would substantially speed up both the development and funds to COSU? This might also help address condition 3 combined with SCC clearly stating no sale =no deal? More speculation of course but I am intrigued by the funds to COSU bit given some doubt this was ever going to get paid.
The Council have now made it very clear what they will and won’t do. If no deal, it will be administration and Ron will get nothing. I think whatever happens Ron will be out of the Club.
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