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Breaking News When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game.

I actually don't care if it helps save the club. If it was £600 i would still buy a ticket.

If it about the money then dont buy one,
It’s not about money, just think they are crazy numbers. I was shocked to learn what Braintree charge.
Maybe. But we are all happy for others to put in millions to keep the show on the road
Depending on the consortium split, if it's all.equal then it's £350,000 each. Don't get me wrong it's still alot of money and they will have to put I as much again next year too.

If they are worried about putting money in once the take over is complete then they should opt out now.
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Depending on the consortium split, if it's all.equal then it's £350,000 each. Don't get me wrong it's still alot of money and they will have to put I as much again next year too.

If they are worried about putting money in once the take over is complete then they should opt out now.
I think they are more concerned about pumping money in for 6 months, when it was said in January DD would take 6 / 8 weeks but it still goes on with Ron still there rubbing his hands and laughing at them
Depending on the consortium split, if it's all.equal then it's £350,000 each. Don't get me wrong it's still alot of money and they will have to put I as much again next year too.

If they are worried about putting money in once the take over is complete then they should opt out now.
I don't think it's equal. JR and Brown are amongst the larger shareholders.

But I guess the point is, it's not small money.
Do the council or the leader not know that the 25th of june is fast approching .
I spoke with the Leader of the Council at some length yesterday at the Hamlet Court Road in Harmony Event. Trust me he is fully aware of the urgency, he actually said that he has spent about 70 hours since taking the position purely on SUFC/FF matters and had spoken with Justin about three times yesterday and also with the Rat. He has also got meetings scheduled for several days this coming week with all parties involved to sort out the points raised by the DD. He actually seemed quite positive.
I see in today’s Times that Southend-on-Sea is one of the worst performing councils in the whole country for building the required number of new homes at just 31% of the required number.

I would imagine to some degree this is focussing the minds of the new council as will the fact that the likely new government is increasing the stated objective to 1.5 million over the next parliament- a 50% increase…
I spoke with the Leader of the Council at some length yesterday at the Hamlet Court Road in Harmony Event. Trust me he is fully aware of the urgency, he actually said that he has spent about 70 hours since taking the position purely on SUFC/FF matters and had spoken with Justin about three times yesterday and also with the Rat. He has also got meetings scheduled for several days this coming week with all parties involved to sort out the points raised by the DD. He actually seemed quite positive.

Thank goodness for some "positive vibes man".

Much appreciated. [thumbs up]
I spoke with the Leader of the Council at some length yesterday at the Hamlet Court Road in Harmony Event. Trust me he is fully aware of the urgency, he actually said that he has spent about 70 hours since taking the position purely on SUFC/FF matters and had spoken with Justin about three times yesterday and also with the Rat. He has also got meetings scheduled for several days this coming week with all parties involved to sort out the points raised by the DD. He actually seemed quite positive.

Why is he conversing with Justin so often?

I get the occasional update but there isn’t anything to be resolved between Justin and the Council.

The talks need to be between the Council and Ron and between the Council and their due diligence partners.
Why is he conversing with Justin so often?

I get the occasional update but there isn’t anything to be resolved between Justin and the Council.

The talks need to be between the Council and Ron and between the Council and their due diligence partners.
Justin Ress wanted to be kept up to speed on the D D.So I guess that why the council leader is talking to him And it's good that he is so the consortium are not kept in the dark
Why is he conversing with Justin so often?

I get the occasional update but there isn’t anything to be resolved between Justin and the Council.

The talks need to be between the Council and Ron and between the Council and their due diligence partners.
Justin knows the importance of the use of personal relationships in business. Not only at this critical time but also in the future. Building a good foundation. He's done it in getting the consortium on board, has a great relationship with the fans and I bet on his rounds with the league, council and those the club owes money to they are mightily impressed. Fingers crossed.