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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Its amazing Ron has ever done any business with anyone. As soon as a deal is agreed he back-tracks to try and get a better one, over and over again. And when he gets a deal he doesn't honour his side of it. How has he made it to his 70's without going bankrupt? I mean why does anyone get involved with him, his reputation is below the sewer.

I'd almost accept our demise now if it takes him and his family down with it.
The problem is that it won't. He'll just have to wait awhile to cash in. Without the club he can develop RH which has planning permission on it already.
No he can't, it is tied in with FF which (in current plans) has to have a stadium built there first for SUFC or another before anything can happen at RH. I am quite sure @CllrDanielCowan has him well tied down on what he can and cannot do if the club fall. They have already stated if the club fall they walk.

If we fall the rat will have wait to forever for anything and he is far to much in debt for that.
Well, as I understand it, the bond was to be paid on Monday (yesterday). RM wasn’t going to pay it, and nor was the consortium. The appeal was done to buy us a few days for these talks in the home it all comes to fruition.

The alternative was not to appeal and then face further sanctions from the NL, which could include expulsion.
It just gives the 🐀 more time to mess around. Taking a harder stance, considering they had been talking all weekend, the threat of walking would focus his mind. Give him an inch and he will take a mile. The fact that if COSU walk then so will SCC doesn`t seem to phase him one bit. COSU are committed monetary wise, and he seems to be trying to get more out them without consideration of what they have already done for the club. But, tht`s the rat for you.

Let`s hope they can narrow down on their differences and agree in principal on a way forward.

Up The Blues ( hopefully)
RM’s biggest problem is RM himself. I’m not sure he knows himself what he wants. It’s like when you ask your wife what they want for dinner. One minute one thing is up for sale, work goes on that, then he decides he doesn’t want a curry, he wants a Chinese. You dig the menu out, write everything down, and then the Chinese is shut on a Tuesday. She doesn’t want a dominos/papa johns/pizza but, but wants a pizza from the kebab shop, but they don’t do her favourite pizza she normally gets from the chain restaurants. She looks through the fridge and freezer, then doesn’t want to cook, you offer but she doesn’t fancy anything you have. Soon, it’s 9pm and you’re both starving and revert to the curry, but it’s ****.
Never has an analogy felt more familiar...
When it all goes belly up I relly hope that horid little man is made to suffer In the same way he has made every one suffer Ron Martin and your son you are creepy And i trally hope you go bust over all this
He really does not understand the mental torture he is putting fans through all for his own personal gain.. If any decent person was putting 1 person let alone thousands of people through such **** for so long they would still have a conscience, he has none and does not care 1 iota.
Not just the fans, don't forget, there are the non-playing and playing staff....some of whom have endured unbelievably difficult times, all thanks to an utter narcissistic, misogynistic, egotistical little man and his equally unpleasant son.