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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Let’s be honest here - are any of really surprised by these recent events and obstacles being put in place by a certain person and his off spring? Because I am certainly not and I am always a half glass full gal but even he pushes me to empty my glass.
I really don’t know what the outcome will be but he is certainly making it very difficult for everyone - COSU, SBC and us supporters alongside some of the staff working at SUFC

I just want to be out of my misery and know one way or the other. He really is a horrid person
What is actually wrong with ronald martin ? Serious question ..because something is

RM’s biggest problem is RM himself. I’m not sure he knows himself what he wants. It’s like when you ask your wife what they want for dinner. One minute one thing is up for sale, work goes on that, then he decides he doesn’t want a curry, he wants a Chinese. You dig the menu out, write everything down, and then the Chinese is shut on a Tuesday. She doesn’t want a dominos/papa johns/pizza but, but wants a pizza from the kebab shop, but they don’t do her favourite pizza she normally gets from the chain restaurants. She looks through the fridge and freezer, then doesn’t want to cook, you offer but she doesn’t fancy anything you have. Soon, it’s 9pm and you’re both starving and revert to the curry, but it’s ****.
RM’s biggest problem is RM himself. I’m not sure he knows himself what he wants. It’s like when you ask your wife what they want for dinner. One minute one thing is up for sale, work goes on that, then he decides he doesn’t want a curry, he wants a Chinese. You dig the menu out, write everything down, and then the Chinese is shut on a Tuesday. She doesn’t want a dominos/papa johns/pizza but, but wants a pizza from the kebab shop, but they don’t do her favourite pizza she normally gets from the chain restaurants. She looks through the fridge and freezer, then doesn’t want to cook, you offer but she doesn’t fancy anything you have. Soon, it’s 9pm and you’re both starving and revert to the curry, but it’s ****.
Let's hope the stupid **** makes his mind up soon or everyone will starve to death
He really does not understand the mental torture he is putting fans through all for his own personal gain.. If any decent person was putting 1 person let alone thousands of people through such **** for so long they would still have a conscience, he has none and does care 1 iota.
He understands the mental torture but doesn't care. It's all about the £s with Ron Martin.
Now listen young man, Crickers is only giving his opinion and doesn't need an oink like you wading in with a passive aggressive message.

The mans a MOD FGS and bleeds blue so you should apologise for this barbaric response which is damn right blitzkrieg.

Mods- weeks ban is about right and a strong worded DM to this knuckle dragging moronic bafoon.

Wow. And I had a message deleted for calling someone boring!
I called this out months ago, where it was obvious to me what was going on and given my personal experiences of dealing with someone very similar. I hoped that COSU would get this over the line, given so many of them are fully aware of the slime and moral bankrupcy that comes with rat territory. This behaviour would constitute emotional and financial abuse in a domestic setting, which doesnt apply to this.

However, as I keep saying, someone in that room needs to offer something to make him feel he has "won". Otherwise the merry go round keeps on spinning until COSU fall off.
Personally, I don`t think the appeal helped?

Well, as I understand it, the bond was to be paid on Monday (yesterday). RM wasn’t going to pay it, and nor was the consortium. The appeal was done to buy us a few days for these talks in the home it all comes to fruition.

The alternative was not to appeal and then face further sanctions from the NL, which could include expulsion.